Genocide of Armenians Through the Swedish Eyes

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Genocide of Armenians Through the Swedish Eyes
Book-cover-genocide of armenians through swedish eyes.jpg
Author Göran Gunner
Publication Year 2013
Publisher Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
Format Softbound
No. of Pages 370
Language English
Category Genocide, Education & Reference

The book consists of an introduction and 9 chapters. In separate chapters Gunner represents the Hamidian massacres, the Armenian Genocide, planned and implemented by the regime of Young Turks, and the massacres of the Armenians carried out by Kemalists in 1919-1922. The author depicts the Armenian Genocide as the first genocide of the 20th century. The volume is valuable as the author uses a number of reports of Swedish diplomats, eyewitness accounts and press reports. In Chapter 9 Gunner demonstrates the parliamentary debates on the recognition issue of the Armenian Genocide and the position of the Swedish society on this issue.