Tall Armenian Tale - deconstructing the quotes

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This page contains a selection of quotes from the "QUOTES" page of the notorious Tall Armenian Tale website. Rebuttals (in blue) from Wikipedians Fadix and THOTH .

SOURCE : https://web.archive.org/web/20140401000000*/http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/QUOTES.htm

All Turkish children also should be killed as they form a danger to the Armenian nation

Hamparsum Boyaciyan, nicknamed "Murad," a former Ottoman parliamentarian who led Armenian guerilla forces, ravaging Turkish villages behind the lines, 1914. Cited from Mikael Varandean, "History of the Dashnaktsutiun."
(Alternately known as "History of the A.R.Federation" ["H. H. Dashnaktsutyan Patmutiwn," Paris,1932 and Cairo,1950]. The author [1874-1934] has other works, including "L'Arménie et la Question Arménienne," noted in the library as "Delegation propaganda authenticated by the Armenian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919"])

This quote does not exist, neither in the first volume, neither in the second, of the aforementioned work. Not only does it not exist on page 85 of those two volumes, but it doesn't exist anywhere in those two books. Another example of falsification. -- Fadix

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"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women, men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."

A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936. (Highly deceptive Armenian activists on the Internet are spreading rumors there is no Lalayan. The above quote has been confirmed. Lalaian was an Armenian Soviet historian and the Dashnag report above was first published in issue 2-3 of the magazine, Revolyutsionniy Vostok and then in issue 2 of Istoricheskie Zapisky, the organ of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, The above quote is from a proud Dashnag officer, Aslem Varaam, in the report he wrote from the Beyazit-Vaaram region in 1920, Updated translation:: “I exterminated the Turkish population in Bashar-Gechar without making any exceptions. One sometimes feels the bullets shouldn’t be wasted. So, the most effective way against these dogs is to collect the people who have survived the clashes and dump them in deep holes and crush them under heavy rocks pressed from above, not to let them inhabit this world any longer. So I did accordingly. I collected all the women, men and children and extinguished their lives in the deep holes I dumped them into, crushing them with rocks.”)

Whom was this Lalayan, no one knows, I have never been able to find the Russian source of this alleged quote, and more, the Turks have three versions of this quote, one with the word Turk, another with the word Turk and in parentheses the word Azeris, and this one with the word Muslim. Lalayan position, is nowhere documented, I have tried to find anything without success. From the only reference given, and I think from one of Hovannessians book, since I took a note of this information in a text file I was able to keep(I have lost the rest of the information regarding this, with my other HD that died), according to the work, Lalayan was a close friend of Shaumian, the traitor and Bolshevicwhom participated in the inst oration of Bolshevism and whom sold countless numbers of Armenians to the Red Army getting them killed. Probably the reason why he is mentioned nowhere was because unlike what denialists claims, he wasn't an Armenian hero, but a Bolshevic one, which will explain why anyway to find and located the only source gave no result, and the title of the source itself seems to be a Bolshevic periodical about Heros of the Bolshevic revolution. -- Fadix

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"When we arrived at Zeve, the village couldn't be passed through because of its stench. It was as if the bones in our noses would fall off... There were bodies everywhere. We saw a weird scene on the threshold of one house: they had filled the house with Muslims and burned it, and so many people had been burnt that the fat that had oozed from under the threshold had turned back into the trench in front of the door. That is, it was as if the river of fat had risen and later receded. The fat was still fresh. The entire village had been destroyed and was in this situation. I saw this with my own eyes, and I'll never forget it. We heard that they did the same thing to the Muslims on Carpanak Island. The Armenians told me about the latter; I did not see it for myself.”
Haci Osman Gemicioglu, an Armenian-Turk (having converted to Islam) who eyewitnessed the 1915 Zeve massacre; as told to Huseyin Celik, during interviews conducted in the late 1970s-early 80s.

Interviews such as this of said witnesses popping up after 60 years, can hardly be presented as evidences. First of all, whom is to confirm that he is an Armenian having been converted to Islam? Anyone can come up with such stories that in no way can be confirmed. Where are the Armenians living in Zeve, there is not a single Armenian left there. If Armenians were the aggressors, how come in all the region where it is said by people of your ilk that Armenians were the aggressors there are not a single Armenian presence recorded. All gone. There is no such thing as an Armenian Turk; ethnicity is a social construct, once an Armenian assimilate he become a Turk, as much as a Turk as any other Turk. There is no way to confirm this “witness” story, and more to this, he himself admit not having seen anything having been done. There was many Armenians living in Zeve, they all disappeared, in fact, nearly none of the Armenians from Zeve survived, there are stories of mass burning. (The same ways as the other mass burnings witnessed and written by the Jewish intellectuals forming the Nili group) Firstly, this man came there and seen bodies, burning bodies etc. he claims Armenians told him this later, but there was ZERO Armenian left in Zeve, they could not have said anything. The same goes with Carpanak, all the Armenians from this Island, ALL were butchered, burned, drawn etc. And finally, whom is to tell that this man is really an Armenian that has converted to Islam? -- Fadix

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"Only 1,500 Turks remain in Van"

The Gochnag, an Armenian newspaper published in the United States, May 24,1915 ... in a proud report documenting the slaughter of the Turkish citizenry of Van. (Holdwater: this Internet quote needs to be verified. The date is wrong; the closest issues for the weekly are from May 22 and May 29. The origin evidently was a 1982 publication from Ankara's Institute of Foreign Policy, entitled "Ermeni Sorunu [Armenian Question], 9 soru 9 cevap," page 23. Guenter Lewy states on p. 98 of his 2005 "Disputed Genocide" book that 3,000 Muslims were left in Van.)

Not only this quote does not exist, but there was even no Gochnak issue published in May 24, 1915, the only issue published in May that was saying anything relevant about Van was published in May 15,(1915) and was about the Turkish attacks in Van, and the Turkish invasion of the Persian Province of Salemaste, and Armenians being targeted. -- Fadix

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"Thousands of Armenians from all over the world, flocked to the standards of such famous fighters as Antranik, Kery, Dro, etc. The Armenian volunteer regiments rendered valuable service to the Russian Army in the years of 1914-15-16."

Kapriel Serope Papazian, Patriotism Perverted, Boston Baker Press, 1934, pg. 38

Yeah...so? Thousands of Jews joined various armies in the fight against Germany in WW2 - does this justify the Holocaust? --THOTH

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"With the decline of Ottoman power, and the formalization of tyranny, the spirit of the Zeitun mountaineers remained alert. The government launched a number of expeditions against the town, but these were unsuccessful. The warrior spirit of its armed inhabitants, and its fortress-like setting, made Zeitun a natural focus for the attention of a nationalist or revolutionary, who had seen the success of the revolts in Greece and Serbia. Perhaps a similar success could be gained in Cilicia..."

(Christopher J. Walker, Armenia, The Survival of a Nation, Croom Helm, London / St. Martin's Press, N. Y., 1980, pp. 100-101).

Yeah...so? --ArmoLite

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"I have it from absolute first-hand information that the Armenians in the Caucasus attacked Tartar (Muslim) villages that are utterly defenseless and bombarded these villages with artillery and they murder the inhabitants, pillage the village and often burn the village."

Admiral Mark Bristol, Bristol Papers, General Correspondence: Container #32: Bristol to Bradley Letter of September 14, 1920.

Caucasus, and not Ottoman Empire, in 1920 and not 1915, villages, and not cities. Typical Tartar villages populations were inhabitated by dozens of people. Besides, Bristol implication in the Chester concession is well documented, as well as his attempt to bar access to new report of Armenian massacres. In 1924, after that the Chester concession was rejected by the Kemalist forces, and that he had no reason to hide the destiny of the Armenians, he wrote regarding the way the Armenians were destroyed, and he has accused the Ottoman government. This same man has forced witnesses of the Smyrna fire to change their versions and accuse the Greeks and Armenians, when before his intervention, they were reporting completely else. --Fadix

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"The Moslems who did not succeed in escaping [the city] were put to death..."

Grace H. Knapp, The Tragedy of Bitlis, Fleming H. Revell Co., New York (1919) , page 146.

What a pathetic attempt to add the “[city],” as to suggest that the book title regarding suggest the tragedy of Muslim in Bitlis “city,” when the tragedy in question that Knapp describe in detail is the destruction of the Armenian community in Bitlis. I don't have the book on hand right now, I've read it a year or some, but I will check regarding this quote as soon as possible. --Fadix

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"We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as ways of escape for the Tartars (Turks), and then proceeded in the work of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village. Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts into heaps of stones and dust, and when the villages became untenable and the inhabitants fled from them into the fields, bullets and bayonets completed the work."

Ohanus Appressian, describing incidents in 1919; Memoirs of an Armenian officer, Men are Like That, 1926.

I have reviewed this book countless numbers of times, the man was on the region for 8 years, claimed not knowing any languages to communicate with “Ohanus,” and whom communicated through pantomime's, and later he learned the language, but still after 8 years, he could not spell Ohannes. More so, when “Ohanus,” during the Bolshevic revolution according to the book, was in “extase” listening to bolshevic songs, and how his story was about how Tartars and Armenians in the Caucasus(NOT Ottoman) could not govern a nation, and that they needed Communism as regime to become brothers. (the Book takes time to talk about the incidences of 1905-6, in Tartar and Armenian villages, Ohanus village is now a part of Azerbaijan, and not a single Armenian live there). The book itself has more a tone of a novel, and a tool to turn the Americans public attention away from the American promises to secure an Armenia, by suggesting that Bolshevism was the only right way. Oh and, the 1905-6 incidences, that revisionists quote from the book, even McCarthy uses the British consul Stevens report, in which, more Armenians than Tartars died(900 Armenians and 700 Tartars). Yet, apologists that have nothing in their hands, uses such works unrelated with the genocide to fool ignorants. --Fadix

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"This three-day massacre by Armenians is recorded in history as the 'March Events' and thousands of Muslims, old people, women and children lost their lives."

F. Kazemzadeh, The Struggle for Transcaucasia (New York, 1951), p. 69. (This excerpt refers not to Armenian atrocities against Ottoman Turks, but to "Tartar" (derogatory for "Tatar") Turks, when Armenia attacked Azerbaijan in 1918. Regarding this period of March 30 to April 1 1918, Vladimir Lenin said that commissar S. Shaumyan, the chief architect of the massacres throughout Azerbaijan, “turned Baku into an Armenian operated henhouse [slaughterhouse].” According to Justin McCarthy's “Death and Exile," "Between 8,000 and 12,000 Muslims were killed in Baku alone.…”)

Oh sure, the same Kazemzadeh(the butcher), quote on page 143, an Armenian commission, which report 9,000 Armenians having been killed in Baku, and presented this as revenge against a prior said massacre. The 8,000 to 12,000 figure was pooped by Urquhart, the British side of the oil interest, from unreferenced numbers presented by the Tartars to justify the massacre of Baku. I guess Armenians were so powerful in the region, they managed to commit massacres from Istanbul to Baku. We're such a monster. --Fadix

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“As the Armenians found support among the Reds (who regarded the Tartars as a counter-revolutionary elements) the fighting soon became a massacre of the Tartar population”

W. E. D. Allen and Paul Muratoff, “Caucasian Battlefields”, Cambridge University Press, 1953, p. 481

Tartars, not Ottoman Turks! --ArmoLite

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"Many massacres were committed by the Armenians until our army arrived in Erzurum... (after General Odesilitze left) 2,127 Muslim bodies were buried in Erzurum's center. These are entirely men. There are ax, bayonet and bullet wounds on the dead bodies. Lungs of the bodies were removed and sharp stakes were struck in the eyes. There are other bodies around the city."

Official telegram of the Third Royal Army Command, addressed to the Supreme Command, March 19, 1918; ATASE Archive of General Staff, Archive No: 4-36-71. D. 231. G.2. K. 2820. Dos.A-69, Fih.3.

This is 1918...revenge attacks...I think we already said that these occured (again this is post Armenain Genocide and is the actions of individuals - not a government) - interesting that the report says that the victims were entirely men...so women and children were sparred it seems...doesn't this violate some manifest that you posted earlier? --THOTH

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"There is little news from the interior save that the Russians have entered Van. The contingent is mostly composed of Armenian volunteers who fight with desperate courage, but whose excesses have shocked even the Russian commanders."

Lewis Einstein, "Inside Constantinople – A [Diplomat's] Diary During the Dardanelles Expedition, April-September, 1915,". 1917, p. 68; John Murray, London. The book is a daily recording of what Einstein saw, heard, received and possibly imagined with cleverly inserted passages on the Armenian massacres. Curiously, Ambassador Morgenthau is not mentioned at all.

What excesses ? Against Turkish troops sent by a murderous government ? --ArmoLite

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"The Armenians did exterminate the entire Muslim population of Russian Armenia as Muslims were considered inferior to the Armenians by the prominent leaders of the Dashnaks."

Mikael Kaprilian, Armenian revolutionary leader, in Yerevan, 1919.

Newsgroup fabricated quote. --Fadix

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"In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish soul."

Sahak Melkonian, Preserving the Armenian Purity, 1920

Another newsgroup fabrication. --Fadix

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"Literally Tzeghagron means 'to make a religion of one’s race.' Patterned after the Nazi Youth It was also called Racial Patriots. Nejdeh wrote: 'The Racial Religious believes in his racial blood as a deity. Race above everything and before everything. Race comes first. Everything is for the race.' In the April 10, 1936, issue of Hairenik Weekly, Nejdeh stated: 'Today Germany and Italy are strong because as a nation they live and breathe in terms of race.' From Racial Patriots and Tzeghagrons, the name of the [Boston] Dashnag youth group was later changed to Armenian Youth Federation, or the AYF, as it is currently known."

John Roy Carlson, a.k.a. Arto Derounian, "The Armenian Displaced Persons," Armenian Affairs, 1949-50, p. 19. A beautiful description of fanatically racist Armenian minds in today's Internet forums, proudly carrying on the tradition of Hitleresque racial superiority. This ability to distinguish Armenian "purity" from sub-human Muslims and Jews is what helped enable so many Armenians to commit mass murder.

Which people were measuring skulls in the 1930s ? Turks or Armenians ? Google Mustapha Akyol's article if you dare.

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"Since all the able Moslem men were in the army, it was easy for the Armenians to begin a horrible slaughter of the defenseless Moslem inhabitants in the area. They ... simply cleaned out the Moslem inhabitants in those areas. They performed gruesome deeds, of which I, as an eye witness honestly say that they were much worse than what Turks have been accused of as an Armenian atrocity."

General Bronsart von Schellendorf , "A Witness for Talat Pasha," Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 24, 1921

Bronsart von Schellendorf (1864–1950) is "depicted as the actual initiator of the scheme of the Armenian deportations".[1] Saving his own skin ?

  1. Dadrian, Vahakn N., The history of the Armenian genocide: ethnic conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. Berghahn Books, New York 2004, ISBN 1-57181-666-6, p.256.

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"There are 400.000 Armenians in the Caucasus, who escaped from the Ottoman State."

Hatisov, a later Armenian President, who had joined the Trabzon Conference (14 March-14 April 1918), in a message to Hüseyin Rauf. (Richard Hovannisian later updated this figure to 500,000.) In addition to other non-Ottoman lands many thousands of Armenians had found refuge in (e.g., Iran, Greece), it becomes plain to see all the Armenian men could not have been murdered in one magical stroke, as Armenian propaganda tells us. (Akdes, Nimel Kurat, Turkey and Russia, Ankara, 1990, p.471)

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"It is in our blood to hate the Turks. However, we hate Bulgarians and Greeks also. The Jews like Turks, but they hate Arabs. The Arabs, in their turn, are not in favour with the Turks. And the level of hatred is rising."

Narek Mesropian, described as Armenia's poet laureate, in Golos Armenii, a Russian-language newspaper in Armenia, in an August 5, 1997 article reflecting the tension between the Armenian and Jewish communities. Interestingly, the Turks are not accused of hating anybody.

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"For too many years Armenian mothers had lulled their children to sleep with songs whose theme was Turkish fierceness and savagery."

Ohanus Appressian, lending testimony to how innocent Armenian children are subjected to the brutality of racism by their parents; their "Love NOT Thy Neighbor" churches are also known to join in this hatred bandwagon. Men Are Like That, 1926.

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"... It's better that I be a dog or a cat, than a Turkish barbarian..."

Edna Petrosyan, a SIX YEAR OLD Californian girl who recites hateful poems on the insistence of her mother. It is easy to see how this cycle of hate-perpetuation feeds the "Armenian Genocide" obsession for most Armenians. The Los Angeles Times, February 1, 1990

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"Who wants to defend Turks?"
Pauline Kael, "When The Lights Go Down," 1980, p.499

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"The Armenians snap, or rather they eat, the hands that feed them"

Henry Morganthau, U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, in private to American officials, in response to reports concerning Armenian Cannibalism. (Source unconfirmed)

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"...In the early part of 1915, therefore, every Turkish city contained thousands of Armenians who had been trained as soldiers and who were supplied with rifles, pistols, and other weapons of defense. The operations at Van once more disclosed that these men could use their weapons to good advantage..."

Henry Morganthau, U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story, Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, New York (1918), page 301

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"I have really found it impossible to sit down and dictate a letter quietly. So I have instructed (Hagop) Andonian to take my diary and copy it with some elaborations of his own. Of course this relieves me of all responsibility for any error."

Henry Morganthau, U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire (Lowry, 1990; Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library, New York, Letters; Box 7 May 11, 1915; Box 1 ­ 2 September 1, 1915; Box 8 July 13, 1915)

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"It is to be hoped that the future historian will not give too much heed to the drivel one finds in the books of diplomatist-authors."

George A. Schreiner, American War/Political Correspondent, "The Craft Sinister: A Diplomatico-Political History of the Great War and its Causes, (G. Albert Gayer, New York, 1920)"; Schreiner criticized Ambassador Morgenthau in a letter, aware of the Ambassador's fabrications in "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story."

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"True friendship among Armenians is a rare thing indeed..." — "...Hatred and envy: they seem to come naturally to us..."

Ara Baliozian, Armenian writer; (Source)

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"Every Armenian has another Armenian whom he considers his mortal enemy."

"An Armenian's worst enemies are not odars but Armenians." ("Odars" : foreigners)

"Our perpetual enemy — the enemy that will eventually destroy us — is not the Turk but our own complacent superficiality."

"What kind of people are we?... Instead of reason, blind instinct. Instead of common sense, fanaticism."

". . . Our past is filled with countless instances of betrayal and treachery.. ."

Various Armenian writers, quoted by Ara Baliozian (Source)

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"In life, questions outnumber answers. Case in point: If they are bloodthirsty savages, why did they wait for 600 years to slaughter us?"

Ara Baliozian, from a Yahoo group. The above is an addendum to the QUOTES page, on August 2007. The prior quotes are from the Ara Baliozian from way back when, but Mr. Baliozian has been producing many gems since; as much as he has been "banned" from mainstream Armenian publications for not fitting in. He is a remarkable man.

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"...When Turkey had not yet entered the war...Armenian volunteer groups began to be organized with great zeal and pomp in Trans Caucasia. In spite of the decision taken a few weeks before at the General Committee in Erzurum, the Dashnagtzoutune actively helped the organization of the aforementioned groups, and especially arming them, against Turkey. In the Fall of 1914, Armenian volunteer groups were formed and fought against the Turks..."

Hovhannes Katchaznouni, First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic, The Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni, 1923. (The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Has Nothing to Do Any More, New York, Armenian Information Service, 1955, p. 5.) "Practically all of the (volunteers were) Turkish Armenians," The New York Times reported, in 1915.

[One of the main aspects of Armenian] "national psychology... [is] to seek external causes for [Armenian ] misfortune."..."One might think we found a spiritual consolation in the conviction that the Russians behaved villainously towards us."

Hovhannes Katchaznouni, First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic, The Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni,1923, Page 8. (Holdwater: After the Russians, it would be the turn of the French, the Americans, the British, the Georgians, the Azerbaijanis — the whole world.)

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"...Kachaznuni's government... like the wolf, eats the calf because such is its nature. That government could not live in peace and was obsessed with battling one or another of its neighbors, for like the wolf, it had to devour everything. Should not the Armenians have realized that, in view of their hostile relations with the Muslims, they must at least cling to the friendship of (Christian) Georgia? But instead they had now burned this bridge as well..."

Premier Noizhordonia of Georgia, three days after Armenia attempted a land grab attempt via a surprise and unprovoked attack on its neighbor, on December 14, 1918; as reported by Professor Richard Hovannisian in his book, The Republic of Armenia, Vol. 1. Armenia would be more successful in its land grab attempt against neighbor Azerbaijan some seventy years later... in the manner of another "Pearl Harbor"-like sneak and cowardly attack, with huge monetary backing from the Russians and Americans.

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"Would you trust the Ku Klux Klan to provide reliable accounts of black behavior in the United States?"

Bruce Fein, adjunct scholar and general counsel of ATAA, from "Differences Are Overwhelming"; commenting on the validity of Henry Morgenthau's racist testimony, equally applicable to all the many virulent reports from people of the period who clearly stated Turks were an inferior race.

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"The Turkish race was... from the first black day they entered Europe, the one great anti-human specimen of humanity... as far as their dominion reached, civilisation vanished from view."

William Gladstone, British Prime Minister, "The Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East," 1876

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"The Turks are a human cancer, a creeping agony in the flesh of the lands they misgovern, rotting every fiber of life. I am glad that the Turk is to be called to a final account (referring to the impending Greek invasion of Asia Minor ) for his long record of infamy against humanity."

David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, getting ready to annihilate the last remnants of the dying Ottoman Empire.

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"The centuries rarely produce a genius. Look at this bad luck of ours, that great genius of our era was granted to the Turkish nation."
David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, after his nation's plans to wipe Turkey off the face of the earth ran into a snag.

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"Now I am the Only Greek Left."

David Lloyd George, upon hearing the news that King Constantine was exiled by the Greek government for siding with the Germans; in 1921, Lloyd George encouraged the king, allowing the king to conclude that he was as great as Alexander The Great, and thus a direct descendant of Hercules.

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“[N]one of the data provided by the archives of any of the Entente powers, the wartime enemies of the Ottoman Empire, can be viewed as entirely impeccable”

Vahakn Dadrian, "The Armenian Genocide: A New Brand of Denial by the Turkish General Staff — by Proxy,” Sept. 21, 2004

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"...[T]he Armenians' dream of independence (developed) following the example of Serbs, Greeks and others when the Ottoman Empire began to crumble... In 1915 they (Armenians) were restless again. The Turks, having their hands full already with a difficult war, took ruthless steps to quell the uprising. They deported what was meant to be the entire population of Armenia to Syria and Mesopotamia. Their organization was insufficient; a third of the Armenian population escaped deportation..."

R. P. Lister, "Turkey Observed," 1967

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"When the Russians and the Turks became enemies at war in 1914, the Armenians sided with the Russians. As soon as word spread that the Armenians were massacring Moslem Turks and Kurds and were setting up an Armenian government in Van, the Young Turks passed a law to disarm and deport them. This turned into the 1915-1916 migrations and massacres of Armenians, and was followed by counter-massacres of Muslims by Russo-Armenian forces occupying eastern Turkey n 1917-18."

Eleanor Bisbee, "The New Turks," University of Pennsylvania, 1951, p. 49

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"I am informed, on good authority, that Russia is already commencing her usual intrigues among the Armenians of Asiatic Turkey. Russian agents are being sent into the provinces inhabited by them with the object of stirring up discontent against the rule and authority of the Porte. A Russian party is being formed in the capital amongst the Armenians, which already includes some leading and influential members of that community."

Sir Henry Layard, British Ambassador, in a July 14, 1878 message to British Foreign Secretary Lord Salisbury (British Foreign Office 424/72, pages 160-161, No 211)

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"The aim of the Armenian revolutionaries is to stir disturbances, to get the Ottomans to react to violence, and thus get the foreign powers to intervene."

Sir Philip Currie, the British Ambassador in Istanbul, 28 March 1894 (British Blue Book, Nr.6 1894, p.57? Or p. 87). (ADDENDUM, 1-08: The date needs verification. See next one; assuming that the consul reported to the ambassador in Jan. 1895, and assuming this quote derived from the consul's report, "1894" would be incorrect.)

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“Their object has plainly been, by creating an appearance of widespread disaffection, quite out of proportion to their numbers and influence to provoke reprisals on the part of the Turkish Government and people, of a nature to draw the attention of the Powers to the manifest grievances of the Armenian nation, and the necessity for their redressal.”

Graves, the British Consul in Erzurum, reporting to the British Ambassador in Istanbul, on January 28, 1895. British Blue Book, Nr. 6 (1894), pp. 222-223 (ADDENDUM, 1-08: Obviously, the Blue Book date is wrong. The wording used to be, "The aims of the revolutionary committees are to stir up general discontent and to get the Turkish government and people to react with violence, thus attracting the attention of the foreign powers to the imagined sufferings of the Armenian people, and getting them to act to correct the situation." What's above, also identified by "Received at the Foreign Office, February 22; No. 20. Confidential" appears to be the more authentic version. Thanks to Conan.)

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"The Dashnaks and Hunchaks have terrorized their own countrymen, they have stirred up the Muslim people with their thefts and insanities, and have paralyzed all efforts made to carry out reforms; all the events that have taken place in Anatolia are the responsibility of the crimes committed by the Armenian revolutionary committees."

Williams, The British vice-consul, writing from Van. (March 4, 1896, British Blue Book, Nr. 8 1896, p.108.)

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"Those who in England are loudest in their sympathy with the aspirations of a(n Armenian) people ‘rightly struggling to be free’ can hardly have realized the atrocious methods of terrorism and blackmail by which a handful of desperados, as careful of their own safety as they are reckless of the lives of others, have too successfully coerced their unwilling compatriots into complicity with an utterly hopeless conspiracy."

Lord Warkworth, after paying a visit to Van. ( William Langer, The Diplomacy of Imperialism.)

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"I do not deny the existence and the active propagandism of Armenian revolutionarists. I do not even deny that, to some extent, the religious war has been stimulated by Armenian political agitators."

Antranig Azhderian, "The Turk and the Land of Haig, or Turkey and Armenia - Desciptive, Historical, and Picturesque," The Mershong Company, New York, 1898, p. 364.

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"Our policy is to maintain our gratefulness to Russia, but at the same time induce Britain to help our cause. Our well-being is possible only in an independent Armenia. Do not be surprised at the word, for our motto is this: 'an Armenia ruled by Armenians'."

Nerses Varjabedian, Armenian Patriarch, writing in 1878 to Karakin (Garegin) Papazian, the head of the Armenian Committee in Manchester, England; while Armenians began to approach the Tsar for eventual Armenian independence, and of attempting to bring Britain into the picture. (Ermeniler ve 1915 Tehcir Olayi/Armenians and the 1915 Resettlement Episode, Prof. Azmi Süslü,1990, p.45

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"I will speak a language the whole world knows, a language expressing pain and suffering. In other words, I will weep."

Nerses Varjabedian, Armenian Patriarch, when asked how he could undertake a political mission during the Congress of Berlin (1878) without knowing a foreign language. The significance in his reply is that he summed up entirely familiar Armenian boo-hoo'ing strategy to gain attention, in a nutshell. "The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question," Esat Uras, p. 498. Footnote appearing to represent the passage reads K. Mikaelian, The Will of the People, Istanbul, 1909, p.45; in Armenian.

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"The Turks... themselves are Armenians by birth and origin."

Migirdich Khrimian, Armenian Patriarch and Catholicos; letter written 24 June 1878 in the Grand Hotel de Rome, Berlin, setting forth demands at the Congress. The letter "confidently" claimed Armenians "constitute three-fifths of the population," and that the Powers should therefore approve "the administration of Armenia." "The Turks would have no objection," he wrote, for they also are Armenians. "The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question," Esat Uras, p. 484; Bishop Mushegh, Armenian Immigrants in Manchester, Boston, 1911, p. 82-85 [Armenian].

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"The purpose of the Armenian movement has been, from the beginning, to organize as far as possible a long drawn-out fight against the Ottoman tyranny, to create in the country a continuous revolutionary state, always having before our eyes the intervention of the third factor...the European factor"

Mikael Varandian, Dashnak ideologue, History of the Dashnagtzoutune/A.R.Federation (Paris,1932 and Cairo,1950), p.3; also, from p. 302: (By inciting massacres, Armenians) "wanted to assure European intervention"

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"(The Dashnaks)’ aim was by crimes and assassinations to invite Turkish reprisals and massacres, and thus create an international scandal that would attract the intervention of the other powers."

David Thompson, "Europe Since Napoleon" (Alfred A. Knopf, 1964, 2nd. Ed.)

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"The Dashnak revolutionary society is working to stir up a situation in which Muslims and Armenians will attack each other, and thus pave the way for Russian intervention "

General Mayewski, Russian Consul General in Bitlis and Van, December 1912; source: Kara Schemsi, Turcs et Armeniens devant l'Histoire, Geneve, Imprimerie Nationale, 1919, p. 11

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"Armenians had people organized under the Turkish flag" (in Bitlis and Van, eastern Anatolia)

Dashnak report prepared in 1910 by M. Warandian (likely Mikael Varandian) for submission to the organization's convention in Copenhagen's Socialist International; from the archives (No. B.579238) of the Socialist International in Vandervelde, and mentioned in an article written by Orhan Kologlu in the April 2005 issue of the Turkish magazine, "Populer Tarih" (Popular History)... confirming that Armenian preparations for revolt were in the works years before the outbreak of W.W.I.

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"Insurgents commit an atrocity — and wait for the ruling power to overreact, kill civilians and give the cycle of hatred another twist."

"The War That Never Ends Begins a Violent New Chapter," TIME Magazine, July 24, 2006, p. 23. The above statement perfectly describes the interaction between the Ottoman government and the Armenian terror organizations, but it's being applied to Israel and present-day terror fanatics, Hamas and Hizballah. Because TIME is Israel-friendly, the statement is used to explain Israel's heavy-handed, indiscriminate violence. Yet TIME is another major media outlet that affirms the Armenian "Genocide," and has not been known to similarly describe Ottoman-related historical events.

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"When I say that the Armenian massacres were caused by the Armenian revolutionists, I tell the truth, and a very important one, but it is not the whole truth. It would be more correct to say that the presence of the revolutionists gave occasion and excuse for the massacres. That the Turks were looking for an excuse, no one can doubt who has traversed that country."

George Hughes Hepworth, "Through Armenia on Horseback" (NY, 1898, p. 339); and why would the Turks have suddenly been looking for an excuse, after centuries of peaceful coexistence? Moreover, if massacre was so decided upon, would the Turks have needed an excuse? While traveling on horseback, Hepworth no doubt encountered negative opinions on Armenians from Turks, but by this time, there were years of Armenian violence and massacre trying the Turks' patience. The inevitable conclusion: if not for the revolutionists, there would have been no massacres.

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"'Do you believe that any massacres would have taken place if no Armenian revolutionaries had come into the country and incited the Armenian population to rebellion?' I asked Mr. Graves [The British consul]. 'Certainly not,' he replied. 'I do not believe that a single Armenian would have been killed.'"

Sydney Whitman, "Turkish Memories," London, 1914, p. 74

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“The Armenian issue, which aims at meeting the economic interests of the capitalist world rather than bearing in mind the veritable interests of the Armenians themselves was best resolved with the Kars Agreement. The friendly ties between two industrious people coexisting peacefully for centuries have been satisfactorily established anew.”

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 1.3.1922, Inaugural Speech of the 3rd Year of Session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

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"In fact we have an organization extraordinarily widespread in the United States. . . . It should be noticed that no attack has been made upon us in any quarter of the United States, and that in the eyes of the American people the quiet and subterranean nature of our work has the appearance of a purely private patriotism and enterprise."

Sir Gilbert Parker in a letter to the British Foreign Office. By 1917, the Canadian managing Wellington House's U.S.A. branch had a list of 170,000 to send anti-German and anti-Turkish propaganda to the Who's Who of American society, targeting "every editor and molder of public opinion."

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"Armenians lived as local notables. They had no feeling of national unity. There were no political bonds or ties among them. Their only attachments were to the neighbouring notables. Thus whatever national feelings they had were local."

Kevork Aslan, Armenian historian, L'Armenie et les Armeniens, Istanbul, 1914 (Holdwater: No wonder they had no loyalty...)

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"The Armenians change their position relating to Rome and the Persian Empire, sometimes supporting one and sometimes the other ... they are a strange people"

Tacitus, Roman historian; his Annalum Liber

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"Wholly opportunistic, Dashnag politics have been variously pro-Nazi, pro-Russia, pro-Soviet Armenia, pro-Arab, pro-Jewish, as well as anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist, anti-Communist, and anti-Soviet — whichever was expedient."

John Roy Carlson (Arthur Derounian), author, Cairo to Damascus Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1951, p. 438. Holdwater: Some sites have substituted "The Armenians" for "Dashnag politics." Not all Armenians support the Dashnaks (Carlson was a true Armenian patriot for disliking these scoundrels, who brought such misery to so many), but because the Dashnak terrorist method has been to silence all opposing voices, that works out to be a fair substitution, in my view. Those who are silent, comply.

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".... Should the Armenians ever get the upper hand in Anatolia, their government would be much more corrupt than the actual administration. It was corroborated by the Armenians themselves..."

Fred Burnaby, "On Horseback Through Asia Minor" (Holdwater: while it sounds like the author could be talking about current Armenia, the book detailed an 1876 journey to see whether the Sultan's armies were capable of resisting yet another Russian thrust. Burnaby was reputed to be the strongest man in the British Army.)

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"The Turks and Armenians got on excellently together... The Russians restricted the Armenian Church, schools and language; the Turks on the contrary were perfectly tolerant and liberal as to all such matters. They did not care how the Armenians prayed, taught and talked... The Armenians were thorough Orientals and appreciated Turkish ideas and habits... (They) were quite content to live among the Turks.... The balance of wealth certainly remained with the Christians. The Turks treated them with good-humoured confidence..."

Sir Charles Eliot, author, "Turkey in Europe" (London, E. Arnold, 1900); regarding the years preceding the Turkish-Russian War of 1877-78.

(The religious toleration of the Ottoman Government) "was complete" (and the state) "never in any way interfered with what the Christians did or taught in the schools or the churches.... it was impossible to desire more absolute liberty of worship or teaching."

Gratan Geary, "Through Asiatic Turkey" (London, M.S. and R. Sampson, 1878)

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"(Armenian) prosperity grew until, by the middle of the 19th century, they became one of the richest communities of the Ottoman empire, prominent not only in trade and professions, but also in the service of state."

Dr. Andrew Mango, March 15, 2001 speech at the Society for the Promotion of Democratic Principles, in Istanbul

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"Armenians are so pleased with their lives that this is impossible."

French Ambassador in Istanbul, in response to Napoleon Bonaparte's query to induce rebellion among the Ottoman Empire's Catholic Armenians and take a kind of revenge for the Akka defeat.

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"The rights and interests of the Greeks in Turkey could not be better protected by any other power but the Turks"

M. Politis, foreign minister in the Greek government led by Prime Minister Venizelos, Revue Politique Internationale, 1914; the more accurate quote was likely "under no other foreign rule could their (the Greek) interests find a protection equal to that offered them by the Turks," according to this source. (ADDENDUM, 1-07: The article is now available on TAT.)

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"The great Turk is governing in peace twenty nations from different religions. Turks have taught the Christians how to be moderate in peace and gentle in victory"


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"Correct behavior"

Marechal Franchet d'Esperay, a French commander of the allied occupation army, referring to the Turkish people and military authorities. From the preface of Commander Larcher's "The Turkish War within the First World War."

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"We have studied the Turkish peasant — i.e. the mass of the Turkish people — and got to know him as unconditionally one of the bravest and most moral representatives of the European peasantry"

Karl Marx. speaking for himself and Engels, "Karl Marx: His Life and Thought," David McLellan, 1973, pp. 438-439

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"[The Turks] are the most honest and moral of the Orientals."

Elder Tanner, Mormon missionary, "Who Can be So Polite and Courteous As a Turk," Millenial Star, June 22, 1886). The Mormon missionaries were not as bigoted as Protestant and Catholic ones.

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“Courageous in misfortune, uncomplaining under the most awful suffering, good-humoured in every situation . . . it is deeply painful to think that the men whom I almost idealized should lie under the accusation of the atrocities which we must believe have been committed in 1896. Yet through the black cloud that hangs over the Turkish Empire today I can still discern the distant stars; for I can look back with honest pride to the high sense of honour, the dauntless courage, the loyalty and true patriotism of those who were my comrades . . . in the earlier and brighter days”

Charles S. Ryan, "Under the Red Crescent," 1897, p. 425.

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"...[A]nd in 1875 the empire was forced to declare bankruptcy."
"In the last years of the empire, a French firm offered half a million francs to turn 150.000 street dogs in Istanbul into gloves. The Sultan — very hard pressed for cash — nobly refused. The dogs were locked up in an old tramp steamer and transported, howling and fighting to a waterless island (Hayirsizada) where they were turned loose."

Jason Goodwin, "Lords of the Horizons," Henry Holt Co, NY, pgs. 311, 325.

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"The Protestant missionaries distributed in large numbers to various places in Turkey made propaganda in favour of England and stirred the Armenians to desire autonomy under British protection"

Horen Ashikian, The Armenian Patriarch, in "History of Armenia." (Mr. Ashikian was probably quoted, and was not the writer of this book, of which there were several... by process of elimination, the book was probably either the 1936 one written by V.C. Vahan, or one by Vahan Kurjian, in 1958. Hovhannes, the Fifth Catholicos of the Armenians, also wrote a book by the same name in 1912.)

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"(Turkish Sultan) Meliksah's heart is full of affection and goodwill for Christians, he has treated the sons of Jesus Christ very well, and he has given the Armenian people peace, affluence and happiness"

Mathias of Edessa, Armenian historian, Chronicles, Nr. 129

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"The Armenians of Byzantium have welcomed the Seljuk conquest with lengthy celebrations in the streets and thanksgiving to God for having rescued them from long years of Byzantine oppression. Seljuk Turks gave protection to the Armenian Church, which the Byzantines had been trying to destroy. They abolished the oppressive taxes which the Byzantines had imposed on the Armenian Churches, monasteries and priests, and in fact exempted such religious institutions from all taxes. The Armenian community was left free to conduct its internal affairs in its own way, including religious activities and education, and there never was any time at which Armenians or other non-Muslims were compelled to convert to Islam. The Armenian spiritual leaders in fact went to the Seljuk Sultan Melikshah to thank him for his protection."

Stephanos Taronetsi ASOGHIK, Armenian historian who recorded his impressions on the arrival of Seljuk Turks to Anatolia around 1071, probably from his renowned Universal History.

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"How well the Seljuk Turks treated the Armenians is shown by the fact that some Armenian noble families like the Tashrik family accepted Islam on their own free will and joined the Turks in fighting Byzantium."

Mathias of Edessa, Armenian historian, probably in his Chronicles, Nr. 129; after the death of Sultan Kilic Arslan, the same Armenian historian also wrote, "Kilic Arslan's death has driven Christians into mourning since he was a charitable person of high caliber and character."

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"There is no crime without evidence. A genocide cannot be written about in the absence of factual proof."

Henry R. Huttenbach, professor and genocide scholar, "Bosnia's Killing Fields: The Memory war," The Genocide Forum, 1996, No. 9

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"Historical questions should be left to historians"

Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch, 2001.

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"The outcry and clamor of Armenians that Turks have been persecuting Armenians are nothing but lies. The Turkish government has done nothing evil to Armenians. Perhaps Armenians have planned a revolution taking advantage of the indifference of the government, have armed bands and sent them to mountains, as for the Turks, perhaps they have been trying only to pursue them and put down the uprisings."

Austrian Consul in a report submitted to his government, Nikerled Krayblis, Rusya'nin fiark Siyaseti ve Vilayet-i fiarkiyye Mes'elesi [Eastern Policy of Russia and the question of the Eastern Provinces], translated by Habil Adem, Istanbul, 1932, p. 178

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"The truth is that the party (Dashnak Committee) was ruled by an oligarchy, for whom the particular interests of the party came before the interests of the people and nation. They (the Dashnaks) made collections among the bourgeois and the great merchants. At the end, when these means were exhausted, they resorted to terrorism, after the teachings of the Russian revolutionaries that the end justifies the means."

Dr. Jean Loris-Melikoff, La Revolution Russe et les Nouvelles Republiques Transcaucasiennes, Paris, 1920, p. 81

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"Religious communities had long become revolutionary hearts of the Armenian revolutionary parties and most diabolical plans had been drawn up there. Religious spaces had become warehouses of arms and hearths of plots. Religious leaders had been exhorting the people to rise up against the state with their speeches and writings, people that had trusted them. They did not preach any more the teaching of the Gospel and utter noble words in their sermons. Rebellion had replaced loyalty and righteousness in their sermons, hatred and revenge had taken the place of humanity. Meanness and ignominy were preached in place of high morality. Religious leaders presided over festivities, meetings and ceremonies organised by revolutionary committees."

Gevand Turyan, Armenian bishop and Ottoman citizen, "A Qui la Faute?" Aux Partis Revue Arménien. (Publication de la Revue Dadiar). Constantinople, 1917, pp. 40-41.

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"Czarist Russia at no time wanted to assure Armenian autonomy. For this reason, one must consider the Armenians who were working for Armenian autonomy as no more than agents of the Czar to attach Eastern Anatolia to Russia"

Borian, Armenian historian, author of Armeniya Mejdunarodnaya Diplomatiya; SSSR. Cast 11, Moskva, 1929

(The Armenian revolutionary committees considered that) "The most opportune time to institute the general rebellion for carrying out the immediate objectives was when Turkey was engaged in war"

Louise Nalbandian, Armenian Revolutionary Movement, University of California Press, 1963

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"As soon as the Russians have crossed the borders and the Ottoman armies have started to retreat, you should revolt everywhere. The Ottoman armies thus will be placed between two fires. On the other hand, the Armenians in the Ottoman army should desert their units with their weapons and unite with the Russians"

Dashnak committee order to the Armenians preparing to revolt within the Ottoman Empire

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"The entire Armenian Nation will join forces — moral and material, and waving the sword of Revolution, will enter this World conflict ... as comrades in arms of the Triple Entente, and particularly Russia. They will cooperate with the Allies, making full use of all political and revolutionary means for the final victory of Armenia, Cilicia, Caucasus, Azerbayjan. ... [H]eroes who will sacrifice their lives for the great cause of Armenia.... Armenians proud to shed their blood for the cause of Armenia...."

Hunchak Armenian [Revolutionary] Gazette, in a call to arms just prior to the formal declaration of war against Germany and the Ottoman Empire, November 1914 issue, Paris.

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"The Armenians have taken their place on the side of the Entente states without showing any hesitation whatsoever; they have placed all their forces at the disposition of Russia; and they also are forming volunteer battalions."

Horizon, the Dashnak Society's official organ, as soon as Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire

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"The Hunchak Committee will use all means to assist the Entente states, devoting all its forces to the struggle to assure victory in Armenia, Cilicia, the Caucasus and Azerbaijan as the ally of the Entente states, and in particular of Russia."

Hunchak Committee instructions to its organizations in Ottoman territory; Aspirations et Agissements Revolutionnaires des Comites Armeniens avant et apres la Proclamation de la Constitution Ottomane, Istanbul, 1917, pp. 151-153

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"The volunteer Armenian regiments in the Caucasus should prepare themselves for battle, serve as advance units for the Russian armies to help them capture the key positions in the districts where the Armenians live, and advance into Anatolia, joining the Armenian units already there."

Papazyan, the Armenian representative in the Ottoman Parliament for Van, in a published proclamation; he would soon turn out to be a leading guerilla fighter against the Ottomans

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“The long-anticipated day of deliverance for the Turkish Armenians is at hand and the Armenians are prepared for any sacrifice made necessary by the performance of their manifest duty.”

An Ottoman-Armenian newspaper, probably one of the two published in Van ("Van Kartali" or "Araratli"), as quoted in The New York Times article, ARMENIANS FIGHTING TURKS ("Besieging Van—Others operating in Turkish Army's Rear,") November 7, 1914

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"...These gangs were advancing by plundering and pillaging (nehib ve garet) the properties/goods (emvalini) of the Moslem villages they passed through and massacred and destroyed even babies in cradles...."

Ottoman Royal Army report describing the actions of 10,000 Armenian committee men (acc'd to the Armenian Catholicos V. the Kevork, B.A. Boryan, Armeniya Mejdunarodnaya Diplomatiya; SSSR. Cast 11, Moskva, 1929, p. 363) regarding the uprising started in "Shitak Country" on April 17, 1915, followed by further riots by Armenians in the entire province of Van, culminating in the Russians' entry of Van on May 19th, causing some 30,000 Turks to flee with heavy losses.

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"As it is known, the Russian government gave 242,900 rubles at the beginning of the war for the initial cost of arming and preparing the Turkish Armenians and to start riots within the country during the war. Our volunteer units were obliged to break the chains of the Turkish Army by cutting through, causing anarchy in Turkey and joining the rioters from behind together with those fighting inside the enemy lines if possible and to provide the propagation of the Russian Armies to get hold of Turkish Armenia."

Dashnak Party Military Minister, Armenian National Congress meeting in Tbilisi, February 1915; B.A. Boryan, Armeniya Mejdunarodnaya Diplomatiya; SSSR. Cast 11, Moskva, 1929, p. 360. (A quarter-million rubles in 1915 was a fortune, and not the worthless currency around the time of the Soviet Union's break-up; for example, on Feb. 13, 1997, regarding the "1992" aggression upon Karabakh, Minister Aman Tuleyev stated that the illegal supply of Russian weapons to Armenia was worth 270 billion rubles. Now note the worth of the ruble from the early 19th century, in the next example. ADDENDUM, 11-06: According to a front page story in the Manitoba Free Press, Nov. 13, 1914 — 'Unearthing Guns and Ammunition' — 260,000 rubles was assigned the value of $130,000. ADDENDUM, 2-08: This 2-to-1 ratio was confirmed in "Armen Garo" Pasdermadjian's 1918 book, where we were also informed the Allies provided "only" $3,250,000 to the Armenians during 1918. ADDENDUM, 1-07: 242,900 rubles served as "The equivalent of more than $13 million in today's currency." Source: The Armenian Rebellion at Van, McCarthy, 2006, p. 216. Footnote: "2003 U.S. dollars, calculated by the 'GDP Per Capita' method. Other methods would yield higher or lower sums and http://www.roots.saknes.lv/History/Money.htm".)

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"A battalion, consisting of Armenian volunteers , was organized in Kars. Inevitable danger hung over their families numbering 10,000... Please take care of these unhappy victims and don’t let Ottomans take vengeance on Armenians who showed their love for Russia... That’s why I dare to ask you to give me the power to resettle the Armenians in Georgia and Armenia. In my opinion approximately 50 silver rubles for each family will be enough.”

Ivan Feodorovich Paskevich (Count of Erivan after the conquest of the province from the Persian war of 1826-28, and field marshal after the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29), reporting to the Russian Tsar on October 10, 1829; Ottoman-Armenian treachery in helping the invading Russians had begun a long time ago. The Ottoman government was concerned about once-dispersed Armenians who were now compacted into one area along the borderline... a key reason why future rebellions would be made possible. On February 17, 1830 an amnesty for local Armenians was announced, forgiving the Armenians’ betrayal and massacres, chiefly as a strategic move against the Russians.

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“As soon as the Armenian volunteer units commanded by Antranik approach Van, the Dashnak fighters in the area will take to the mountains and unfurl the flag of revolt. The plans for the rebellion will be implemented in April 1915. The Catholicos has informed us that 10,000 armed fighters are ready to join the action.”

Dashnak decision, end of February 1915 Armenian National Congress held in Tiblis. [The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question; Esat Uras, Documentary Publications, Istanbul (1988); p.853]

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"From all countries Armenians are hurrying to enter the ranks of the glorious Russian Army, with their blood to serve the victory of Russian arms... Let the Russian flag wave freely over the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. Let, with Your will, great Majesty, the peoples remaining under the Turkish yoke receive freedom. Let the Armenian people of Turkey who have suffered for the faith of Christ receive resurrection for a new free life under the protection of Russia."

Samson Harutunian, president of the Armenian National Bureau in Tiflis, in response to Czar Nicholas II's visit to the Caucasus, to make final plans for cooperation with the Armenians against the Ottomans. (Source; also cited in p. 45 of Prof. Hovannisian's "Armenia on the Road to Independence" as having appeared in the Nov. 30, '14 issue of Hairenik Taregirk, V, Boston 1947, p. 126))

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"As demonstrated by the innumerable declarations, provocative pamphlets, weapons, ammunition, explosives, & c., found in areas inhabited by Armenians, the rebellion was prepared for a long time, organized, strengthened and financed by Russia. Information was received on time in Istanbul about an Armenian assassination attempt directed at high ranking state officials and officers."

General Bronsart v. Schellendorf , Chief of Staff to the Ottoman Commander-in-Chief, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 24, 1921; a differently worded translation, with the same meaning, may be found on the TAT page featuring the entire article.

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"When war broke out the Armenians of these regions [the Eastern provinces] made secret contact with the Russian authorities in the Caucasus, and an underground network was created which enabled recruits to be gotten from these Turkish provinces for the Russian Army.”

Philips Price, A History of Turkey, 1956, p. 91

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"In return for Russia's forcing the Ottomans to make reforms for the Armenians, all the Russian Armenians would support the Russian war effort without conditions."

The Catholicos of Echmiadzin assures the Russian General Governor of the Caucasus, Vranzof Dashkof; source: Tchalkouchian, Gr., Le Livre Rouge, Paris, 1919

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"The liberation of the Armenians in Anatolia would lead to the establishment of an autonomous Armenia separated from Turkish suzerainty and that this Armenia could be made possible with the protection of Russia."

Czar Nicholas, to the Catholicos of Echmiadzin, who was received by the Russian emperor at Tiflis. Tchalkouchian, Gr., Le Livre Rouge, Paris, 1919

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"The Armenians greeted the Russians with ringing bells and with their priests dressed in their ceremonial robes. In this war, too, the Armenian people took their place beside the Russians... The war broke out and volunteers came from everywhere, from Armenia in Eastern Anatolia, from Egypt under Turkish rule, from the non-Russian areas of Rumania; all these people who were Ottoman subjects, familiar with Anatolia, gathered together and put themselves at the service of the Russian Empire.”

Tchalkouchian, in a May 24, 1916 speech addressed to the Armenian Congress in St. Petersburg [The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question; Esat Uras; Documentary Publications, Istanbul (1988); p.854.]

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"Armenians do not have the right to live in Erzurum."

First order of the Russian General Commandment during the Russian occupation of Erzurum in 1916. B.A. Boryan, Armeniya Mejdunarodnaya Diplomatiya; SSSR. Cast 11, Moskva, 1929, p. 356.

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"...The solution to grant independence to the Armenians would not be suitable since the Armenians living in Armenia never had formed the majority whereas they only formed one fourth of the existing population until now. Under these conditions, the granting of Armenian independence would cause unjustness like the administering of a majority by a minority, and the best feasible solution would be the equal administering of various ethnic groups through the rearrangement of the region taken from Turkey so that these groups never fall into a conflict; they should be granted freedom regarding educational and religious rights along with the free use of their language, thus causing the people to respect the Government and the clearance of all kinds of internal and external incitements and bringing the necessary vital conditions for the local people once present during the Turkish administration...."

Sazonar, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in his project letter to Prince Nicolai Nicolayevich, the Caucasian General Governor, June 27, 1916; Razdel Aziatskoy Turtsii Po Sekretnim Dokumentom Bivshego Ministerstva Inostrannih Del. Sostovitel: E.A. Adamov, Moskva, 1924. Document No: CXL., p. 207-210. From "Armenian Claims and Realities," Dr. Hüsamettin Yildirim, Ankara, 2001.

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"The Armenians of Turkey no longer think of separating from the Ottoman Empire. Their problems no longer are even the concern of relations between the Armenian Republic and the Ottomans. Relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Republic are excellent, and they must remain that way in the future. All Armenian political parties feel the same way. Continuation of this good neighbourly spirit is one of the principal points of the program recently announced by the Armenian Government, of which I am Foreign Minister."

Hadisian, Foreign Minister of the Armenian Republic, upon the signing of the Batum Treaty on June 4, 1918 with the Ottoman Government. (Only seven days after the Armenian Republic in Erivan was established.) This treaty was described as involving the Armenians' full disavowal of all claims on the territory or people of the Ottoman Empire including its Armenians and the lands claimed by Armenian nationalists; Feigl, Erich, A Myth of Terror, 1986, pg. 85

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"Russia's policy of hostility toward Turkey emboldened the Armenians of the Caucasus; that is why the Caucasus Armenians were involved in clashes between two friendly races. Thank goodness that this situation did not last too long. Following the Russian Revolution, the Armenians of the Caucasus understood that their security could be achieved only by having good relations with Turkey, and they stretched out their hands to Turkey. Turkey also wanted to forget the events of the past, and grasped the out-stretched hand in friendship. We agree that the Armenian Question has been resolved and left to history. The mutual feelings of suspicion and enmity created by foreign agents have been eliminated."

Hairenik (Horizon), the Dashnak organ, on June 28, 1918; Kara Schemsi, Turcs et Armeniens devant l'Histoire, Geneve, Imprimerie Nationale, 1919, p. 31-32. (Holdwater: those Dashnaks sure have a short memory!)

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"The Turks and Armenians lived in peace side by side for centuries; that the Turks suffered as much as the Armenians at the time of the deportations; that only 20 % of the Turkish villagers who went to war would be able to return to their homes; that at the start of World War I and before the Armenians never had anything approaching a majority of the population in the territories called Armenia; they would not have a majority even if all the deported Armenians were returned; and the claims that returning Armenians would be in danger were not justified."

General James G. Harbord, in a report to Congress after touring through Anatolia during September and October; Kara Schemsi, Turcs et Armeniens devant l'Histoire, Geneve, Imprimerie Nationale, 1919, p. 31-32. Another excerpt: "...in the territory untouched by war from which Armenians were deported the ruined villages are undoubtedly due to Turkish deviltry, but where Armenians advanced and retired with the Russians their retaliatory cruelties unquestionably rivaled the Turks in their inhumanity."

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"…Some Turkish officers were pointed out to us by American missionaries as having refused to carry out the 1915 order for [the Armenians'] deportation."

Harbord Commission Report. Significance: "bad" local officials sometimes took matters into their own hands by ignoring orders from the central government to safeguard Armenian lives and property. This is an example of the other side of the coin from "good" local officials, demonstrating that because a central order was given, it was not always followed.

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"The Turks had no deliberate policy of genocide at any stage, only the removal of Armenians from the front line with Russia, where they were collaborating with the Ottoman Empire's enemies and were thus a threat to its security."

P. F. Peters, Former Australian Ambassador to Turkey The Australian, June 9th, 1994

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"...(W)e, the Armenians, do not need facts to comprehend that there was a genocide against the Armenian nation."

John Kossakian, Editorial Director of the Armenian Newspaper Asbarez; in a May 04, 2001 letter, exchanging views with the Turkish site, ermenisorunu.gen.tr. All the proof that's necessary is the hearsay of Armenian oral history, the kind that can't be backed up... as Mr. Kossakian goes on to demonstrate.

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"The Armenians are the former inhabitants of today's Switzerland"

Ruppen Courian, Armenian author of Promartyrs de la Civilization (1964, p. 27); (Even Armenians cannot agree on the origins of their "ancient homeland.")

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"Majesty, I would like to ask you not to allow the location of Armenians in the central Russian regions. Because they are such filthy and shameless clans, they would soon shout throughout the world and claim those lands as their 'ancient motherland'."

Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov, Russian diplomat and playwright who organized the transmigration of Armenians from Iran, as Russian minister to Iran in the early 19th century; in a letter to the Czar. As a result, Armenians were located not in Central Russia, but in the Caucasus... thereby also craftily sowing discontent between the peoples of the Caucasus, who had maintained strong relations since ancient times.

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"To lessen the credit of Armenians is to weaken the anti-Turkish action. It was difficult to eradicate the conviction that the Turk is a noble being always in trouble. This situation will revive this conviction and will harm the prestige not only of Armenians, but of Zionists and Arabs as well. The treatment of Armenians by the Turks is the biggest asset of his Majesty’s Government, to solve the Turkish problem in a radical manner, and to have it accepted by the public."

Arnold Toynbee, as editor of The Bryce Report, the Blue Book of the British (F.O. 371/3404/162647, p. 2), in a memorandum dated 26 September 1919; when the British propaganda services were alarmed about newspaper accounts mentioning the treachery of the Armenians.

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“I was being employed by His Majesty’s Government to compile all available documents on the present treatment of the Armenians by the Turkish Government in a 'Blue Book,' which was duly published and distributed as war-propaganda!”

Arnold Joseph Toynbee, "The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: a Study in the Contact of Civilizations," Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1922, p. 50.

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"...There is a systematic plan of destruction of Turkish villages and extinction of the Moslem population. This plan is being carried out by Greek and Armenian bands, which appear to operate under Greek instructions and sometimes even with the assistance of detachments of regular troops."

Arnold Toynbee, "The Western Question in Greece and Turkey," p. 284; quoting the commission of the allies for the incidents of Yalova and Gemlik. This was the "reformed" Toynbee, in his later years.

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“The Ottoman institution came perhaps as near as anything in real life could to realizing the ideal of Plato’s Republic.”

Arnold Toynbee, suddenly pro-Turk British historian.

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"...The economic situation was so dismal that not only many Armenians, but thousands of Turkish soldiers as well died of the lack of food supplies, disease, and other consequences of poor organization in the Turkish government. In my division alone, after the battle of Gallipoli, thousands died of malnutrition."

General Liman von Sanders, as witness for the defense, in the trial of Tehlirian, assassin of Talat Pasha

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"...The domestic situation was deplorable: all over Turkey thousands of the populace were daily dying of starvation; practically all able-bodied men had been taken into the army, so that only a few were left to till the fields; the criminal requisitions had almost destroyed all business; the treasury was in a more exhausted state than normally, for the closing of the Dardanelles and the blockading of the Mediterranean ports had stopped all imports and customs dues..."

Henry Morganthau, U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire; from his ghostwritten book, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story. Holdwater: Thousands dying daily? Gee. If true, do you suppose at least a few of the Armenian casualties could have resulted from the very same conditions all Ottoman citizens were suffering from?

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"...About a million families were left without breadwinners, all of them in a condition of extreme destitution. The Turkish Government paid its soldiers 25 cents a month, and gave the families a separation allowance of $1.20 a month. As a result thousands were dying from lack of food and many more were enfeebled by malnutrition; I believe that the empire has lost a quarter of its Turkish population since the war started."

Henry Morganthau, U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, elaborating further upon conditions that affected Turk and Armenian alike; from his ghostwritten book, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story.

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"I cannot say what the role of Talaat was as concerns the issuing of orders. As far as I know the principal order pertaining to the deportation of the Armenians was given on May 20, 1915. In any event it was the result of a decision of the Young Turk committee and it had the unanimous approval of the ministers. The implementation of the orders was left to the Valis, the lower echelon officials, and especially the horrible police force. In any event, I consider it my duty to state that, in the five years I was in Turkey, I never saw an order signed by Talaat against the Armenians and neither can I testify whether or not such an order was ever issued."

General Liman von Sanders, as witness for the defense, in the trial of Tehlirian, assassin of Talat Pasha. (It's interesting to note that since the Germans were, for all intents and purposes, behind the workings of the Ottoman war machine, how is it possible that the main German commander would not have come across any government-sponsored genocidal order? If a government decides to commit genocide, they would have to let local officials know about such a policy... otherwise, how could the genocide be carried out?)

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"…Armenian gangs had extensively destroyed Esindscian (Erzincan) and extirpated the volk (people) living in the villages nearby…"

Bussche, a German diplomat, February 28, 1918, wrote the above on the basis of information received from the German Consulate in Sivas (R 22346, "File 190" and "Turkey41," archives of central building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of German Empire.) Another version of this communication has been translated as: "The Armenian bands carried out overwhelming destruction at Erzincan. They literally eradicated the whole population living in villages." Another source claimed the following: The Armenians have virtually 'scraped the roots of the inhabitants of its villages.'

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"It is only fair to acknowledge that, judged from a humane point of view, the methods of warfare pursued by the Turks are vastly superior to those which have disgraced their German masters."

Lord Kitchener, Official Report on Gallipoli as Minister of War, August 9, 1915

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"Ottoman Armenians were completely free in the Ottoman Empire and the Turks were the Armenians' only shelter against Russia guaranteeing their traditions, religion, culture and language in comparison to Russian oppression under the Czars."

Vartanian, Armenian historian, "History of the Armenian Movement"

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"Few Europeans realized that the Turkish Ottoman Sultan Suleiman was the head of the most democratic government of their time."

Harold Lamb, American historian and novelist, noted for his biographies of Genghis Khan, Alexander, and Hannibal

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"The tolerance shown to foreign beliefs and hostile faiths by the Ottoman law and Ottoman officials which enabled them to establish their own religious institutions and to shape their own education was such that the thousand year old liberty reigning in France in the field of sects and beliefs, dating from the times of the ancient Gaul, could not be compared with it."

Talcot Williams, Turkey, A World Problem of Today, New York, 1922, p. 194

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"In the interest of truth I will also affirm that you saw little of the cruelty you fasten upon the Turks. Besides that you have killed more Armenians than ever lived in the districts of the uprising. The fate of those people was sad enough without having to be exaggerated as you have done." "Apart from that he (Enver Pasha) was in no respect what you picture him. Of course, if we are to take it for granted that we of the West are saints, then the Turk is any good. You will agree with me, no doubt, that the Turks count among the few gentlemen still in existence.... Ultimately truth will prevail."

George A. Schreiner, distinguished war and political correspondent having served in Turkey from February through the end of 1915, in a no-holds-barred, extremely critical December 11,1918 letter to ex-Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, regarding the latter's unethically falsified, ghostwritten book (Ambassador Morgenthau's Story)

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"The Osmanli (Ottoman) has yet to be heard." (The English have) "heard stories ad nauseam of massacres, of pillages, of the ravishing of women, but none of these stories have been corroborated by a single European eyewitness."

Captain Charles Boswell Norman, "The Armenians Unmasked" (1895)

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"[T]he Turk never sticks up for himself in the controversy against Europe. He does not know how to do so... The Turk is thus the worst possible champion of his own cause. Anyone in possession of the facts could state his case much better than he can state it."

Marshall Pickthall, The New Age, July 10, 1919, Vol. XXV. No. 11

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"[T]he Turks, as a nation, are almost ludicrously innocent of the propagandist’s art."

Arnold Toynbee, "The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: a Study in the Contact of Civilizations," 1922

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"...I was extremely surprised at the helplessness of the Turks to avail themselves of a powerful organ of publicity ready to give them fair play... Mr. Whittaker, the Times correspondent... said: “They are hopelessly dense. Tell them that if they want the truth told they must let a correspondent manage things in his own way.” But this the authorities were either disinclined to do or incapable of doing all the time I was in Constantinople. Thus almost every bit of news I obtained came to me independently of Turkish sources, and was the result of my own individual efforts. Powerlessness on the part of the official Turks to avail themselves of an influential journal anxious to show them to the world in their true colours (surrounded by enemies and slanderers as they were on all sides, in the face of a serious crisis) was confessed to me one day in pathetic terms by Mehmet Izzet Bey, one of the Sultan’s translators, in the words: “Mon cher, nous sommes un peuple taciturne; nous ne savons pas nouse defendre.” ("My dear friend, we are a taciturn people; we don't know how to defend ourselves.")

Sidney Whiman, Turkish Memories, 1914

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"...In the absence of unequivocal evidence that the Ottoman administration took a specific decision to eliminate the Armenians under their control at that time, British governments have not recognized those events as indications of genocide... Nor do we believe it is the business of governments of today to review events of over 80 years ago, with a view to pronouncing on them..."

Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale, Foreign Office spokesperson, on April 14, 1999; the PA News from London... reporting on yet another Armenian bid to get the British Government to recognize its "genocide."

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"The Turkish government felt that pressing the Turkish case against Armenians and others would rekindle old hatreds and invite war, so the Turks said nothing of their grievances. This was the right decision for the time. The unfortunate result was that no one spoke for the Turks"

Justin McCarthy, Professor, University of Louisville, testifying at the Congressional Hearing on H. Res. 398 in 2000.

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"Whether or not hindsight and modern morality tell us that the deportations were a mistake, no one can seriously doubt the Ottoman government had reason to distrust many of the Armenians of Anatolia. Because of the assistance given by the Armenians to invading Russian armies in 1828, 1854, and 1877, the Ottomans decided they could not trust the Armenians, much as the United States, with much less justification, decided they could not trust the Americans of Japanese ancestry in World War II."

Justin McCarthy, Professor, University of Louisville, "Armenian Terrorism: History as Poison and Antidote."

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"Any comparison between the Ottomans and the Nazis is ludicrous, as is the use of the word genocide to describe the actions of the Turks. What passed between the Armenians and the Turks was not genocide; it was war"
"If any people were the victims of genocide, it was the Crimean Tatars, victims in their own homeland of a planned extermination begun by Catherine the Great and ended by Joseph Stalin."

Justin McCarthy, Professor, University of Louisville, "Armenian Terrorism History as Poison and Antidote."

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"The Armenians were retreating before the Ottoman Army. They were in danger. Yet they stopped whenever they could to kill the innocent Muslims of Erzurum, despite the risk to their own safety. This kind of hatred and madness cannot be explained. It is often falsely claimed that the Turks committed a genocide of the Armenians. Yet this was the real genocide, a genocide of the Turks."

Justin McCarthy, Professor, University of Louisville, "The Destruction of Ottoman Erzurum by Armenians," 2002

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"Neither political nor legal or material claims against present-day Turkey can be derived from the recognition of this historical event as an act of genocide."

European Parliament, 1987 resolution

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"...The two parties forego their rights to ask for damages because of the changes which took place as a result of the general war."

Armenia and Turkey, Article 8 of the Treaty of Gumru/Alexandropol, wherein Dashnags agreed in "closing the doors FOREVER to reparations," in the words of Arthur Derounian (John Roy Carlson)

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“We considered the Azerbaijani Turks as Tatars, yet they were a good people. Armenians, on the other hand, are provocateurs in a single word.”

Frunze, Red Army commander, in a coded telegram to Lenin sent from Batum, 23 November 1921; Russian archives.

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“I scolded them for their stupid actions. I explained [to] them the stupidity of wasting on the Azerbaijanis, the weapons that we gave them to use on the Turks.”

Lord Curzon, regarding his meeting with Boghos Nubar and Avetis Aharonian in London, April 11 1920; Bilal Simsir, 'Ermeni Meselesi - 1774-2005,' Sept. 2005, p. 331.

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"...The Turk obeys the dictates of his religion, the Christian does not; the Turk does not drink, the Christian gets drunk; the Turk is honest; the Christian is a liar and a cheat; his religion is so overgrown with the rank weeds of superstition that it no longer serves to guide his mind."
Lord Curzon with his lady and the tiger, in India

Lord Robert Curzon, Armenia: a Year at Erzeroom, and on the Frontiers of Russia, Turkey and Persia, London (John Murray), 1854; Curzon, somewhat of an adventurer during his youth, lived among the Armenians for a year in the 1850s, and found little to admire... "typical of dozens of other 19th century travelers of many nationalities," opines Paul Henze

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"I have yet to meet a foreigner living in this part of the world and unbiased by politics, religion or pecuniary benefits from condemning the Turks, who has not most empathically stated that of all the races represented in the population of the old Turkish Empire, the Turks by far are the best people."

E. Alexander Powell, American journalist and author,"The Struggle for Power in Moslem Asia," 1923.>

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"One may recognize fully the agreeable and attractive personal qualities of the Turks that commonly make them the best liked, probably, of all the peoples of the Empire, and that almost unconsciously turn most foreigners who stay long in the country into pro-Turks."

King-Crane Commission report

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"Their loyalty, their unblemished honesty, their endless hospitality, their religious tolerance, their moral elegance, and natural tact do give affectionate deposition for the Turks in front of the tribunal of humanity."
"To speak about the Armenian race, is for me, more painful than one would believe, because their unfortunate 'incidents' render me almost scared."

Pierre Loti, French writer and traveler

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"Nearly everyone who touches upon the kernel of the nation learns to respect and love Turks, to humiliate Greeks, to hate and despise Armenians... Everywhere justifies the proverb, that the Greek defrauds 2 Jews, but the Armenian defrauds 2 Greeks. Certainly, if you have been defrauded in Anatolia, so you had a business with an Armenian"
"When I had business with Turks, I didn't need a written document, because his vow was enough. When I had business with Greeks, I was in need to sign the written document, because it is important for them. But when I had business with Armenians, I didn't sign any documents, because even the written document can't provide a barrier for their mendacity and intrigue"

German traveler, from the book "Outlines of Anatolia," p..6, p.188-191

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Turkey "is known only for its mistakes and its brutalities."
"The Turks I saw in Lawrence of Arabia and Midnight Express were (...) like cartoon caricatures compared to the people I had known and lived among for three of the happiest years of my life."

Mary Lee Settle, writer and traveler; Turkish Reflections: A Biography Of A Place (New York, Prentice Hall Press, 1991)

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“If the reader entertains any delusions about a fine civilization, either Persian, Roman, Hellenic, or Egyptian, being submerged by this flood (the advance of Islam), the sooner he dismisses such ideas the better. Islam prevailed because it was the best social and political order the times could offer.”

H. G. Wells, famed British writer

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"The Turk is the brother of the Armenian and they know it."

William Saroyan, Antranik of Armenia, From "Inhale and Exhale," 1935; the "they" refers to forces... likely the great powers... that beg the question Saroyan goes on to ask: Why do they want them to kill one another? What good does it do anybody?

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“America should feed the half million Turks whose hinterland was willfully demolished by the retreating Greeks, instead of aiding the Greeks and Armenians who are sitting around waiting for America to give them their next meal. The stories of Turk atrocities circulated among American churches are a mess of lies. I believe that the Greeks and not the Turks are barbarians.”

Colonel William Haskell, the American Red Cross; returning from a tour of investigation in the Near East. Source: The Turkish Myth, 1923. Here is what the colonel thought of the Armenians, according to Dr. Richard Hovannisian.

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"(This) one-sided and unreliable information (about any people will) after a long period of unchallenged time, would create hostility and hatred that would not be easily overcome.”

Cyrus Hamlin, co-founder of the American missionary college in Istanbul (Robert College), opining on anti-Turkish propaganda.

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"(The Turk never deigns to explain his own case while) the pro-Armenians always manage to hold the field, appalling the public by incessant reiteration and exaggeration as to the number of victims, and apparently valuing to its full extent the wisdom of the old Eastern proverb give a lie twenty-four hours start, and it will take a hundred years to overtake it."

C.F. Dixon-Johnson, British author of the 1916 book, "The Armenians."

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"Paradoxical as it might seem, the Turks were the only Christians in the Balkans."

A "celebrated correspondent," on his return "from the seat of the last Balkan war," paraphrased by C.F. Dixon-Johnson, British author of the above 1916 book.

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“These Huntchagist bands, organized all over the empire, will watch their opportunities to kill Turks and Kurds, set fire to their villages and then make their escape into the mountains. The enraged Moslems will then rise and fall upon the defenseless Armenians and slaughter them with such barbarities that Russia will enter in the name of humanity and Christian civilization and take possession.”

"A very intelligent Armenian gentleman," quoted by Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, in an 1893 American magazine article... where the reverend appealed to missionaries to denounce "the abominations" of Armenian terror; his near-lone voice of sanity among the Christian flock was ignored.

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"I do ... believe the Armenians ... especially should not be allowed to govern other people; and certainly, if any of the other races here in this part of the country are under the Armenians, they are going to be submitted to oppression and outrage."

Rear Admiral Marc L. Bristol, in his March 28, 1921 letter to Dr. James L. Barton. (Given modern Armenia's abominable treatment of minorities, Admiral Bristol was right on the money.)

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"The Armenian, the Jew or the African should not damage their development with a continual conditioning of hate; neither should spurious guilt be vented upon others. These negative preoccupations and obsessions are obstructing our evolution.”

Robert John (Hovhanes), Armenian historian; The Reporter, "America's Leading Armenian Newspaper," August 2, 1984

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"Demonizing others lays foundation for a dark cycle of hatred"

George W. Bush, United States President, in a 2002 message to Armenian-Americans, during April 24 (the commemoration of the Armenian "Genocide"), where he also reminded his Armenian citizens that "Transcending this venomous pattern requires painful introspection about the past and wise determination to forge for a new future based on truth and reconciliation.."

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"[T]o curse at Muslims and especially at Turks, to talk much about the Armenian Genocide, and to remind others constantly of the brutality of the Turks are all regarded as expressions of patriotism. Among the leaders of the past we consider those who curse Turks and killed Turks to be the most patriotic. Our most recent heroes are those who assassinated Turkish diplomats in European cities... [this] is the dominant mentality."

Rafael Ishkhanian, "The Law of Excluding the Third Force," in Gerard Libaridian's Armenia at the Crossroads; Democracy and Nationhood in the Post-Soviet Era, 1991, p. 10. The activist, publicist and "ancient historian" also claims that Armenians "were the aborigines of the Armenian plateau who have been living there continuously since the fourth millennium B.C. at the latest."

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"Our patriotism is nothing if not anti-Turkism, and the most patriotic Armenian is the most anti-Turkish. In general, for an Armenian, anti-Turkism and patriotism are directly proportional."

Vartan Harutiunyan, in a thought-provoking piece entitled "Patriotism versus Patria."

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"I heard, in Oxford English, more stories of Armenians murdering Turks when the czarist troops fled north... Then they spoke of the hell that would break loose if Versailles were to put, as threatened, the six 'Armenian' vilayets of Turkey under the control of Erevan. Muslims under Christian rule? His lips smacked in irony under the droopy red moustache. That's bloodshed — just Smyrna over again on a bigger scale."

Robert Dunn, American officer in Eastern Turkey, 1919; upon hearing a conversation between British officers. 'World Alive, A Personal Story,' Crown Publishers, New York (1952), pg. 309 or 358. The British lieutenant-colonel, Toby Rawlinson, would later get arrested by Atatürk

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"Armenians... cannot expect this country (Great Britain) — or any other one — to choose any area in Turkey, to chase away from there all other races, to increase the Armenian population there under the shadow of British bayonets, and to thus organize a national Armenian existence there with exorbitant taxes to be extracted from the British people. Even the thought of it cannot go beyond being a raw fancy."

Lord Curzon, British statesman, PRO, FO. 800/151, 6.xii.1921

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"British promises to Armenians were exactly like their promises to Arabs in Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia; they were made with the purpose of encouraging the war efforts of the Armenians, to influence neutral states in favor of England and to excite the separatist tendencies in ethnic minorities under the rule of these neutral states so as to make their enemy, the Ottoman Empire, collapse from the inside."

A. H Arslanian, British Wartime Pledges, 1917-1918: The Armenian Case, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 13, 1978 (page 522)

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"The Armenians were very well treated for hundreds of years by the Turks, until Russia, in the first place, started using them as pawns for purely political purposes; they exploited them as Christians, solely as pawns."

Lieutenant Colonel T. Williams (Labour Party M.P.), Parliamentary Debates (Commons), London 25.ii.1924, vol. 170

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"(The Armenian) community constitutes the very life of Turkey, for the Turks, long accustomed to rule rather than serve, have relinquished to them all branches of industry. Hence the Armenians are the bankers, merchants, mechanics, and traders of all sorts in Turkey. Besides, there exists a congeniality and community of interest between them and the Musulmans ... (Pashas to peasants owe) them ... so that without them the Osmanlis could not survive a single day.

H. Oscanyan, Armenian author, The Sultan and his People, 1857, p. 353?. For exact wording, please click link.

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"I believe that it won’t be a mistake to consider this Third Period, that is the Tanzimat, to be the golden age of Armenians. During this period, which we regard as the most bountiful and favourable one of all, Armenians advanced in every field and could reach higher positions by showing themselves and earning confidence and trust of the Government."

Y.G. Cark, Armenian priest, Türk Devleti Hizmetinde Ermeniler, 1453-1953. [Armenians in the service of the Turkish State,1453 – 1953], Istanbul, 1953, p. 44.

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"Our world is plagued with what I'd like to call 'International Terrorism.' Let us not forget that this type of terrorism can only be eradicated with the mutual determination and the complete cooperation of all the governments of the Western world."

Kenan Evren, President of the Turkish Republic, 1981; it would take a generation before the Americans got the idea

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"...In some towns containing ten Armenian houses and thirty Turkish houses, it was reported that 40,000 people were killed, about 10,000 women were taken to the harem, and thousands of children left destitute; and the city university destroyed, and the bishop killed. It is a well-known fact that even in the last war the native Christians, despite the Turkish cautions, armed themselves and fought on the side of the Allies. In these conflicts, they were not idle, but they were well supplied with artillery, machine guns and inflicted heavy losses on their enemies…"

George M. Lamsa, a missionary known for his research on Christianity, "The Secret of the Near East," The Ideal Press, Philadelphia (1923), page 133

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(Regarding the 'evidence' against the Malta Tribunal deportees): "...Very few were available, that Armenian Patriarchate at Istanbul had been the principal channel through which information had been obtained, and that none of allied, associated and neutral Governments had been asked to supply evidence..."

Sir H. Rumbold, His Majesty's High Commissioner at Istanbul as the head of the occupying powers, in a report to London

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"The Armenians were pleasantly accepted in London. The Gladstone Cabinet invited the unpleased ones, classified them, put them in order and promised to support them. Henceforth, the propaganda committee was established in London which was going to be the source of inspiration."

Paul Cambon, French ambassador in Istanbul, probably reporting to the Quai d'Orsay in 1894, "Yellow Book," (1893-1897)

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"The culpability of Armenians leaves no doubt."

Philippe de Zara, Mustapha Kemal, Dictateur (Paris, 1936)

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"And the unarmed Armenian villagers were forced to help the armed rebels at the cost of their blood." "If Turks were (thieves) and (brigands) like (Europeans claim, the) Armenians (would not) have had their prosperous lives, which continued until 1896"

General Mayewsky, Ambassador to Erzurum and Van, commenting on massacres by Armenians in the late 19th Century, translated from the Russian language, "The Statistic of Van and Bitlis Provinces," Ottoman Military Printing Office (1914)

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"They (the revolutionaries) were also not letting those Armenians who would not help them live. For example, there was a mayor here. If I'm not mistaken, his name was Kapamaciyan, and they had his son kill him because he was not very supportive of them."

Mehmet Resit Efendi, Turkish survivor of the 1915 Armenian Revolt in Van. The unbiased Moslem majority of the city elected Bedros Kapamaciyan as mayor. He was a rich Armenian, and never left an Armenian without work or a trade. However, because he did not totally support the Armenians (for example, he fined an Armenian shopkeeper), the Dashnak leader in Van, Aram Pasha, ordered the mayor's own son to murder the mayor... and the son complied, pumping five bullets into Mayor Kapamaciyan. More may be read here. From a book by Ergünöz Akcora, unofficially translated as "The Testimony of Survivors from Van and Surroundings on the Armenian Uprising," 1990, p. 151 ADDENDUM: More on Mayor Kapamaciyan

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"May God curse that Aram Pasha. He was the one who deceived us, saying that he would establish a state for us. Instead, he set fire to us. We have never forgotten the humanity we saw from the Turks. While those had won the world for us, while they treated us with benevolence, we kicked them. It was because of this that God visited calamity on us. We were scattered everywhere."

Mehmet Resit Efendi, after embracing an Armenian tradesman originally from Van, later located in Mosul (Iraq), and longing for his homeland; one of the thousands of relocated Armenians who reached their destinations, unmolested. (Boghos Nubar claimed 360,000 such Armenians reached their destinations.) From the Akcora book above, p. 153.

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"I would like to stress especially that, in the raids made by the Kurds and the Turks, as a reaction to the rebellion movements in the several regions of Anatolia at those times, the amount of material losses were extremely small compared to the wealth pillaged by the Hinchaks in the robberies in Istanbul. The percentage would not total even to one percent. The committeemen robbed the Istanbul Armenians... pitilessly. They put several wealthy persons into a penniless situation."

Pantikyan, Armenian famed for playing a great role in the armistice, as told to M. Sifir; Banoglu, Niyazi Ahmet, Gündüz Printing House, Ankara, 1976, p. 24-25 (Holdwater: However, some parties seriously involved in massacring made a point of making off with cash and material goods.)

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"...During this brief three year period (1904-1906), there were two Armenian victims assassinated by Armenian terrorists for every one non-Armenian. This hitherto almost totally neglected fact deserves our attention, for it was not a phenomenon limited to 1904-1906, but rather one which still exists today. Its purpose, then as now, was nothing more or less than intimidation. The conscious attempt to frighten the overwhelming majority of peaceful Armenians into silence as regards the activities of the terrorists."

Heath W. Lowry, Professor, “Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Armenian Terrorism: Threads of Continuity,” 1984; referring to a 1983 source by Dr. Gerard Libaridian

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"It is absolutely clear that the Armenians of Van started the insurrection behind the Ottoman lines already in February 1915, waiting for the Russian offensive. Before the Russians had reached Van they had already extinguished the whole Muslim (Turks and Kurds alike) population of Van with all the neighboring villages. Meanwhile there is also archeological evidence of these mass-murders, as countless mass-graves with Muslim victims have been spotted, excavated and identified...Thanks God, the triumph of the Armenians was documented by themselves. Photographs and reports were sent to the Entente-magazines."

Erich Feigl, professor, author, "The Myth of Terror."

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"Armenian-origin intellectuals and journalists have become viciously intolerant of non-Armenian-origin colleagues who do not accept their biases and who venture to question Armenian statistics or try to examine ... historical records according to recognized standards of objectivity and respect for methodology."

Paul Henze, “The Roots of Armenian Violence: How Far Back Do They Extend?,"1984

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"Sly, pliant, persevering, seldom if ever conscientious, they (Armenians) monopolise all transactions in business, and speedily become the bankers and tyrants of the place. Still it must not be concluded from this that there are no honourable exceptions among those whose intelligence and energy have conferred signal benefits upon the country..."

Baron Max von Thielmann, Journey in the Caucasus, Persia and Turkey in Asia, London (John Murray), 1875, Vol. I, p. 41

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"In an Asian city, during the 1896 massacres, the French Consul, who had sheltered as many Armenians as possible at the Consulate under the French standard, came up to his terrace to see what was going on in the neighborhood, when two bullets came from behind him, whistling in his ears; turning, he realized in a flash, an Armenian who had been aiming at him from a window of a neighboring house. Apprehended and questioned, the sly aggressor answered: "I did that so that the Turks would be accused, and with the hope that after the murder of the Consul, the French would rise against them."

Pierre Loti, Les Massacres d'Arménie (The Massacres of Armenia)

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"... Poor devils, no one seems to want them anywhere, and yet despite all they have gone through, I did not see a thin one amongst a good many thousand I saw, and most looked cheery too. The massacres seem to have been a good deal exaggerated ... I don't know what there is about the Armenians, but no one, not even the missionaries, seems to have a good word to say about them...."

Lt. General Sir W. N. Congreve to General Sir Henry Wilson, Cairo, 19 October 1919; regarding Armenians flooding Cilicia, under the aegis of the French. Source, under "A British Observer"

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"The hatred, malice and all uncharitableness, characterizing the different native (Christian) sects in their inter-relations could not be easily exaggerated ; and I am sorry to say that in the opinion of men who have had ample opportunity of judging from personal observation, there is only too much foundation for the bad opinion which each of those sects entertain of the other. 'When a Mohammedan gives me his word,' said a gentleman who had a long experience of the country, 'whether he be a Turk or a Kurd, I can always rely on it. I have never been what is called ' done ' by a Mussulman, although I have had transactions of all kinds with Moslems for years ; but when a native Christian tells me anything, I have cause instinctively to ask myself where the deception lies — in what direction I am going to be tricked. There are exceptions, of course; but if anyone has many dealings with Mussulmans and native Christians in these parts, he will soon learn that the one may be depended on, and the other will almost to a certainty deceive and cheat you if you give him a chance'."

Gratan Geary, "Through Asiatic Turkey" (London, M.S. and R. Sampson, 1878)

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“As an Armenian, I never condone terrorism, but there must be a reason behind this. Maybe the terrorism will work. It worked for the Jews. They have Israel.“

Kevork Donabedian, the editor of The Armenian Weekly, an ethnic newspaper published in the United States, as quoted in the November 18, 1980 issue of The Christian Science Monitor. (Yet another Armenian dishonorably playing both sides of the fence.)

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"... I condemn any and all terrorism, and especially Armenian terrorism. But at the same time I have to say that as long as this cause remains unjustly denied, the KGB and the Communist Party, who are obviously perpetrating this terrorism, are going to have fuel for their fire."

Charles Pashayan, Congressman, on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressional Record, Dec. 12, 1985, p. H11936. Earlier in his statement, Pashayan stressed how "justice has still been denied," faulting Turkey for not behaving "in the same way that West Germany has acknowledged what its predecessor government did under the Nazi regime." The "passions of the people" were thus understandable, he argued, in effect justifying the Armenian terrorism that he made sure to officially "condemn." (Armenian Allegations: Myth and Reality, ATAA, 1987.)

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"In choosing sides, we go against the Turks. Images of murderous sultans wielding thick-ended sabers remain."

Colman McCarthy, Armenian Terror Tactics, July 31, 1983, The Washington Post

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"The Turk has been and is the most misrepresented person in the world. I know some of the falsehoods which have been and are being circulated in America. They amaze me."

Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, "Turkey Reinterpreted," The New York Times Current History, 1922

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"As a matter of cold, indisputable fact, there is more religious freedom in Turkey than in any other country in the world, more than has ever been recorded in history. "

Arthur Tremaine Chester, "Angora and the Turks," The New York Times Current History, Feb.1923

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"Condemnation without hearing both sides is unjust and un-American"

Arthur Tremaine Chester, above Feb.1923 article

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"I could see that [the Armenians'] well-known disloyalty to the Ottoman Government and the fact that the territory which they inhabited was within the zone of military operations constituted grounds more or less justifiable for compelling them to depart their homes."

Robert Lansing, United States Secretary of State, to President Woodrow Wilson, November 21, 1916, in Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States: The Lansing Papers, 1914-1920, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1939), p. 42

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The Ottoman state "has used its right to defend its existence against Armenian organisations that had fomented and incited disorders and rebellions at the instigation of the Russians by relying on Russian arms."

Leo (Arakel Babakhanian), Armenian historian, Turkahai Heghopokhutian Kaghaparapanoutiunu (The Ideology of the Turkish Armenian Revolution), published in Armenian,1934, Paris.

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"History teaches us that man learns nothing from history."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, in reply to genocide zealots' argument that genocides must be recognized in order not to be repeated. Surely the Armenians have not learned from their history of "ethnic cleansing"; after slaughtering (some with Russian help) 518,000 Ottoman Muslims and Jews during WWI and after, and conducting similar campaigns against their Azeri neighbors, modern Armenia felt no compunction in attacking and expulsing large numbers of defenseless Azeri civilians in 1992.

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"The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth."

Jean de la Bruyère

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"The few who have attempted to alter the traditional view have been derided as 'revisionists' as if revision were an academic sin and contextual historical accuracy irrelevant. In fact, revising one-sided history and changing deficient traditional wisdom is the business of the historian, and in few areas of history is revision so needed as in the history of the Ottoman peoples. The history that results from the process of revision is an unsettling one, for it tells the story of Turks as victims, and this is not the role in which they are usually cast. It does not present the traditional image of the Turk as victimizer, never victim, that has continued in the histories of America and Europe long after it should have been discarded with other artifacts of nineteenth-century racism."

Booknews, Inc. Review, "Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922," June 1, 1996

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"To punish all persons guilty of Armenian atrocities would necessitate wholesale execution of Turks and I therefore suggest punishment should rather take the form of, nationally, dismemberment of the late Turkish Empire and, individually, in trial of high officials such as those on my lists whose fate will serve as an example."

British Deputy High Commissioner Webb, in an April 3, 1919 cipher telegram to the Peace Conference in Paris. Holdwater: How convenient. The Allies (that is, self-seeking imperialist powers) were planning the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire well before World War I, and during wartime they were colluding through secret treaties; making it seem like there was a genocide would certainly justify their land-grab scheme. Fortunately, the British had the honor to not find the high officials guilty at the Malta Tribunal (for lack of evidence) and their land grab scheme (for Asia Minor, anyway) was foiled by the Turks themselves.

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"It seems almost a pity to upset the good old myth of Turkish viciousness and terribleness, but in the interest of accuracy I find myself constrained to do so, although it makes me feel a bit like one who is compelled to tell a child that Jack the Giant Killer really found no monstrous men to slay.
In due course of time the deportees, entirely unmassacred and fat and prosperous, returned (if they wished so to do), and an English prisoner of war who was in one of the vacated towns after it had been repopulated told me that he found it filled with these astonishing living ghosts."

Colby M. Chester, Rear Admiral, United States Navy; "Turkey Reinterpreted," The New York Times Current History, March 1922

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"The Genocide has been the single most fundamental issue defining the Armenians' identity in this century. Its importance for Armenia and the Diaspora cannot be understated."

Vartan Oskanian, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia, May 1999; in a testimonial for the The Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation, est. 1982. (Holdwater: We know! We know! It's your life's blood...)

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"...We know the whole history of these massacres to some extent. It is only towards the Armenians that the Turk is said to be so intolerant; there are other parts of the world where he [the Turk] deals with Christian people, and where he deals with the Jewish community... Moreover, the Armenians themselves lived under the Turkish rule for centuries and never complained. Therefore, we earnestly appeal to you, to the whole Christian world of Europe and America, that if the Turk is to be punished on the assumption that he is a tyrant, and that his rule is a blasting tyranny then the evidence should be of such character that it should be absolutely above suspicion."

Muhammad Ali, leading a delegation of Indian Muslims at the Peace Conference, March 1919, to Lloyd George. While the British were determined to wipe the defeated Ottoman Empire off the surface of the earth, such initiatives slowly compelled the British to uphold the principles of law and justice, when they embarked on the Malta Tribunal, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt there was no Armenian "Genocide."

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"The Queen’s Government, taking into account the best interest of Holland, deems it unsuitable and unnecessary to participate in such an inquiry."

Dutch embassy, March 17, 1919, in response to a request for a neutral sizing up of the Armenian "Genocide." Four countries were asked, and none wished to take the opportunity to prove once and for all the Turks were guilty as charged. A May 6, 1919 French-written document, in the Archives of the Foreign Ministry, stated: "Two lawyers each from the countries of Denmark (April 19, 1919), Spain (March 17, 1919), Sweden (April 19, 1919) and Holland (March 17, 1919) were requested to participate in the international committee to be formed to investigate if any injustices were made during the relocation. The delegates of the investigation committee were to visit provinces in Anatolia to make inquiries to establish any injustice that took place and to solve the matter by lawful means. However, this venture was not realized, as the concerned nations refused to send delegates (at the requested time)."

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“Few Americans who mourn, and justly, the miseries of the Armenians, are aware that till the rise of nationalistic ambitions, beginning with the 'seventies, the Armenians were the favored portion of the population of Turkey, or that in the Great War, they traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian invader; that they boasted of having raised an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population.”
“...It is at least time that Americans ceased to be deceived by propaganda…”

John Dewey, American professor, The Turkish Tragedy, The New Republic, November 12, 1928

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"I once asked a professor of mine who taught a class on the laws of war and war crimes at Columbia Law School to deprogram me from all the propaganda I had received growing up Turkish. I asked him to please find me evidence of the genocide by neutral scholars so I could know the truth.
After investigating the issue, he came back and said that he could not find one non-Armenian scholar who believed this was a genocide, but since 'it looked like a duck, it walked like a duck and it talked like a duck, it must be a duck.' If that's not the product of excellent propaganda, I don't know what is."

Cenk Uygur, a Turkish-American writing to salon.com in 1999, now behind a radio talk show called 'The Young Turks'; his professor must have been wise enough to distinguish genuine non-Armenian scholars (i.e, those who look at all the facts) from the many false scholars who mindlessly or purposely accept Armenian claims.

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(The Turks whose honor and the dignity you have been pummeling and mauling lo these many years, were) "...far better men and far abler rulers than the wretched tyrants whom they suppressed....the Turks were in advance, not of their Christian subjects alone, but of the greater part of Christian Europe."

Edson L. Clark (1827-1913), British anthropologist and historian, from his "Nations of the World" Series,1900, N.Y. (pp. 84,87.)

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"In 1906 the Russian army had instructed the Russian consul in Van to visit the Assyrian Patriarch and ask whether Russia could count on the Assyrians for help in the event of a war with the Ottoman Empire. Mar Shamun Beniamin promised that if Russia took Van and armed the Assyrians, he would produce a force of forty thousand men and occupy the land between Mosul and Bitlis."

Michael A. Reynolds, "The Ottoman-Russian Struggle for Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus," Nov. 2003 dissertation, p. 141. Source: K.P. Matveev and I.I. Mar-Iukhanna, Assiriiskii vopros vo vremia i posle pervoi mirovoi voiny (1914-1933) (Moscow: Nauka, 1968), 42. The Assyrians numbered between 150,000-200,000, about 70,000 in Iran. Those who believe in an "Assyrian Genocide" can see the familiar roots of treachery.

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"In terms of per capita, US aid to Armenia is second only to Israel."

Keith Simmons, the US Agency for International Development's director in Armenia, in a paraphrased statement to Armenian community leaders in Boston, January 2003. (Source: "The State Department's Traveling Propaganda Show," David B. Boyajian, Armenian Weekly.) U.S. taxpayers have doled out over $1.5 billion to Armenia since her independence, largely due to the influence of Armenian-Americans, as the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Ordway, stated in the same event.

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"We, the non-Armenian population of Glendale, are not obligated to recognize the genocide."

Californian resident, quoted in "Tolerance is a two-way street," Albert Hoffmanan, 'Glendale in the Times Community Newspapers,' July 3rd, (2002). Californians are beginning to have enough of the huge chunk of obsessive Armenian-Americans among them pushing their fake genocide down everyone's throats. The truth of the words spoken applies to everywhere else in the world, and not just Glendale.

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"(The) United Nations has not approved or endorsed a report labeling the Armenian experience as Genocide."

Farhan Haq, U.N. spokesman, October 5th, 2000. On June 4-7, 2005, at a Florida Atlantic University genocide conference, Juan Mendez, Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide to the Secretary General of the United Nations, was criticized for calling the Armenians' genocide an "event." This article tells us that the Argentinian "responded that since the UN has not officially recognized the genocide, he was not allowed to call it that." As reader Conan put it: "The UN is the organ that has established the Genocide Convention. If even such an institution doesn’t recognize the Armenian genocide, Turkey has the right to punish the so called Armenian genocide as libel. That is the right of every nation."

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"The meaning of genocide is the planned destruction of a religious and ethnic group, as far as it is known to me, there is no evidence for that in the case of the Armenians. The deniers of Holocaust have a purpose: to prolong Nazism and to return to Nazi legislation. Nobody wants the 'Young Turks' back, and nobody wants to have back the Ottoman Law..."

Bernard Lewis, Professor, "There Was No Genocide," an interview by Dalia Karpel, Ha'aretz daily, Jerusalem, January 23, 1998

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"Many writers find it scandalous that I should support the right of free expression for Faurisson without carefully analyzing his work, a strange doctrine which, if adopted, would effectively block defense of civil rights for unpopular views. Faurisson does not control the French press or scholarship. There is surely no lack of means or opportunity to refute or condemn his writings. My own views in sharp opposition to his are clearly on record, as I have said. No rational person will condemn a book, however outlandish its conclusions may seem, without at least reading it carefully; in this case, checking the documentation offered, and so on... One who defends the right of free expression incurs no special responsibility to study or even be acquainted with the views expressed."

Noam Chomsky, "His Right to Say It," The Nation, February 28, 1981. Prof. Robert Faurisson has been accused of being a "Holocaust denier." The article may be accessed zmag.org, a site that is ironically Armenian genocide-friendly, and another of interest is partly entitled, "The Rights of Freedom of Expression." Thanks to Stephen.

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"...After hostilities had actually commenced, the Deputy to the Assembly for Erzerum, Garo Pasdermadjian, passed over with almost all the Armenian troops and officers of the Third Army to the Russians; to return with them soon after, burning hamlets and mercilessly putting to the knife all of the peaceful Mussulman villagers that fell into their hands."

Rafael de Nogales, Venezuelan adventurer, on Armenian atrocities victimizing Turks of Erzerum, "Four Years Beneath the Crescent" (translated from Spanish by Muna Lee from the original Spanish version: "Quatro Anos Bajo La Media Luna"), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, London, 1926, page 45

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“I long for a 'Sun Country.' There should be no nights in this country and the people should not know what the concept of darkness means. Is it possible to find 'The Sun Country' on earth? The existence of the Turks who do not interfere with the freedom of thought and conscience makes me believe that — at least tomorrow — such a country will exist, since there is a nation, which does not imprison or chain love for the truth…Why should a 'Sun Country' be a reality tomorrow, a country where only the truth, justice and freedom reigns?”

Tommaso Campanella (1568-1659), Renaissance philosopher, writer and child prodigy, in a passage from his well-known 1602 work ‘Civitas Solis’ (City of the Sun)

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"When those of Armenians resident in the aforementioned towns and villages who have to be moved are transferred to their places of settlement and are on the road, their comfort must be assured and their lives and property protected; after their arrival their food should be paid for out of Refugees' Appropriations until they are definitively settled in their new homes. Property and land should be distributed to them in accordance with their previous financial situation as well as current needs; and for those among them needing further help, the government should build houses, provide cultivators and artisans with seed, tools, and equipment.""This order is entirely intended against the extension of the Armenian Revolutionary Committees; therefore do not execute it in such a manner that might cause the mutual massacre of Muslims and Armenians."

Key Ottoman Decree, putting the Armenian "Deportations" into motion

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"The Ottoman government prosecuted more than one thousand soldiers and civilians for disobedience. Further, approximately 200,000 Ottoman Armenians who were relocated to Syria lived without menace through the remainder of the war."

Bruce Fein, Attorney and Adjunct Scholar of ATAA, "An Armenian and Muslim Tragedy? Yes! Genocide? No!"

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"Enver Pasha was later associated with the dream of reuniting all the Turkish-speaking peoples and domains of Asia, and certainly the idea was familiar to him in 1914 — intellectually it was in the air — but, as of then, it did not enter into his plans. A small man, much addicted to theatrical gestures and to large programs that began with the prefix "pan-," Enver was also supposed to harbor pan-lslamlc ambitions. His treatment of Arab fellow-Moslems shows that this, too, was a slogan that he did not translate into policy."
David Fromkin, responding to the familiarly ridiculous pro-Armenian allegations of "Pan-Turanism" and/or "Pan-Islamism" (Taner Akcam likes both), to establish the much needed motive for mass-murder. "A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East," Avon Books, New York, 1989

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"The Bush administration acted toward Turkey like the stereotypical rogue from a 1950s B-Movie. First we told Turkey what we wanted. When she balked, we got a little rough. When even that didn’t do the trick, we pulled out our wallet, saying in essence, “Fine, how much do you want?” When even cash failed, we told her to get out of the car and walk home."

Josh Marshall, editor, Talkingpointsmemo.com, March 26, 2003; in regards to Turkey's reluctance to whole-heartedly join in on the Iraqi War.

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"It must be admitted that it is political interest which has caused us (the nations of the Balkans) to describe the Turks as cruel Asiatic tyrants, unameanable to European civilisation. An impartial history would show that the Turks are rather Europeans than Asiatics and that they are not cruel tyrants, but a nation that loves justice and freedom, and that possesses virtues and qualities deserving of recognition and respect."

Chedo Myatovich, Serbian plenipontentiary minister to London and Istanbul, as reported in the Asiatic Quarterly of Oct. 1913. Here is another variation of the above quotation.

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"Today's ethnic cleansing policies by the Serbian dictatorship against Croatians and Muslims of Yugoslavia, as well as the Soviet Republic of Armenia's against the Muslim population of neighboring Azerbaijan, are really no different in their aspirations than the genocide perpetrated by the Armenian Government 78 years ago against the Turkish and Kurdish Muslims and Sephardic Jews living in these lands."

Cebbar Leygara, Kurdish Leader, October 13, 1992

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"He committed murder — in German there is the word 'Rufmord,' which means the murder of one´s reputation — by defaming the name of the Turkish nation, the killing of one's reputation. Sometimes 'Rufmord' is worse than real murder. It leads easily to further crimes, in our case against Turkey and Turks."

Erich Feigl, Professor, "The Myth of Terror." Commenting on Franz Werfel, author of "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh," book with a tremendous worldwide impact, and one that was accepted as a true story... even though Werfel irresponsibly relied on bogus sources.

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"Therefore, we have to take care, as soon as possible, to concentrate such forces in Bulgaria as is necessary to make Turkey politically docile or to break Turkey's resistance by force."

Adolf Hitler in his Weisungen for die Kriegsführung, 1941 and at the peak of his power at a time when Turkey was totally surrounded by Nazis and collaborators. Dokumente des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht, Militärarchiv Freiburg/Breisgau Turkey's desperate position during World War II: Turkey was totally surrounded by Hitler and his vassals

Turkey's desperate position during World War II: Turkey was totally surrounded by Hitler and his vassals. Source: Erich Feigl, The Myth of Error. Turkey helped neighbor Greece and saved Jews during these desperate times... while Armenians lent a hand to Der Fuehrer during his campaign for The Final Solution.

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“Jewish people must always recall the Ottoman Empire with gratitude who, at one of Judaism’s darkest hours, flung open its door widely and kept them open."

Cecil Roth, historian

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"It should be our moral obligation to defend Turkey"

Dr. J. E. Botton, Jewish-American originally from Turkey, speaking for all Jews, in memory of the Turkish nation's being one of the very, very few friends of the Jews throughout history; in a letter to Forward, early 2001

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"Pass through the gateways of this book, turn to the way of God, study its tales, read and see that God, in His wisdom and understanding, rendered this Turkish nation great.... The Turks is the rod of His wrath, the staff of His anger, and by means of Him He takes His vengeance of the gentle nations and tongues and states whose time has come."

Eliyahu Kapsali,16th century Jewish historian, writing in Crete, attributing the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and its conquest by the Ottomans directly to the Byzantine persecution of the Jews; Source: Prof. Stanford Shaw

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“It is actually an understatement that there was no anti-Semitism in Turkey. In fact, there was a pro-Semitism. Ottoman governments treated their Jewish subjects with a special consideration and compassion as one of their own, as one of the most loyal and devoted subjects of the empire:”

Haim Nahum, last Grand Rabbi of the Ottoman Empire, (1924)

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"We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian atrocities against our people (Jews). Members of our family witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum, Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim... Armenians were in league with Hitler in the last war, on his promise to grant themselves government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic acts in league with the Russian Communists."

Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California, letter, San Francisco Chronicle (December 11, 1983). [Armenian guerillas rounded up and massacred Jews in the area of Hakkari; in Trabzon and vicinity they massacred thousands of Greeks. The idea behind these atrocities was to secure an Armenian majority. (Kara Schemsi, Tures et Arméniens devant l'Histoire, Gèneve, Imprimerie Nationale, 1919, p. 49, 41). Jews were attacked everywhere; the Commander of Gendarmerie Regiment at Van recorded: "Some three hundred Jews trying to escape from Akaridan were captured at the village of Sil and cut into pieces. Then (the Armenians) stacked the corpses." (Aspirations and revolutionary movements of the Armenian parties,. pp. 298-309) ]

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"...As I became more knowledgeable and could compare cultures and countries around the globe with the passing of age and experience, we became much more appreciative of the benevolence of the Turkish people who harbored the Jewish people through incredibly barbaric times in the annals of European history. In retrospect of what we know of European history today, we owe Turkish people a great debt of gratitude for saving the lives of thousands of Jews."

Israel Hanukoglu, professor , College of Judea and Samaria Ariel, Israel; from his Story of Turkish Jews

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"We reject attempts to create a similarity between the Holocaust and the Armenian allegations. Nothing similar to the Holocaust occurred. It is a tragedy what the Armenians went through but not a genocide."

Shimon Peres, Nobel prize-winning Israeli Foreign Minister, as quoted in the April 10 2001 edition of the Turkish Daily News... where he further remarked claims of an Armenian Genocide are "meaningless."

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"The Armenians want to benefit from both worlds. On the one hand, they speak with pride of their struggle against the Ottoman despotism, while on the other hand, they compare their tragedy to the Jewish Holocaust. I do not accept this. I do not say that the Armenians did not suffer terribly. But I find enough cause for me to contain their attempts to use the Armenian massacres to diminish the worth of the Jewish Holocaust and to relate to it instead as an ethnic dispute."

Dalia Karpel, from her article "There Was No Genocide," relating to her interview with History Professor Bernard Lewis, published in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, January 23, 1998.

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"If 1.5 million Armenian lost their lives during that war, they died as soldiers, fighting a war of their own choosing against the Ottoman Empire which had treated them decently and benignly. They were the duped victims of the Russians, of the Allies, and of their own Armenian leaders. A few thousand Armenians may have lost their lives during their relocation, caused by their own subversion."

Rabbi Albert Amateau, Sephardic Jewish leader in the United States, in his sworn testimony to persuade Congress to not implement yet another Armenian "Genocide" resolution... this time brought by Senator Robert Dole, in 1990. As a young student in the Ottoman Empire, Amateau got first-hand exposure to the young Armenians who revealed their plans of betrayal to him... believing Amateau was a Christian Frenchman.

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"The massacre, which was carried out by the Turks against the Armenians in 1915 and 1916, was one of the most horrible acts to occur in modern times...The Jewish ambassador of America to Turkey in those days, Henry Morgenthau, described the massacre as 'The greatest crime in modern history'...The person who was most shocked and shocked many people was the Prague-born Jewish author, Franz Werfel, with his masterpiece The Forty Days of Musa Dagh.... The book was translated into Hebrew in 1934, and influenced many young people in Eretz Israel including me."

Yossi Sarid, Minister of Education of Israel (April 24, 2000); he added that the Armenian genocide would now be included in the country's school curriculum and that he would do everything possible to make sure Israeli children learned the subject thoroughly. He planned to put "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh" on reading lists for Israeli schoolchildren, and would also add the mass killings of Arabs, Albanians, Bosnians, Gypsies and Rwandans into the curriculum dealing with genocide.

The Israeli daily "Ha'aretz" praised Sarid's comments for displaying what it called "wisdom and sensitivity," and accused its government for submitting to "the pressure exerted by Turkey, and stated such behavior serves to "erode its moral right to demand that the world make sure that the Jewish Holocaust is never forgotten."

Holdwater says: Good lord! If Israel's Education chief is stupid enough to cite such invalid sources as Henry Morgenthau (dumbly implying Morgenthau's "Jewish" identity must have made him credible) and a book whose author (Jewish as well; reason why he deserved such trust, I guess) had been duped, then woe be it to Israel that such an incompetent has been selected to direct the nation's education policies.

No doubt "The Forty Days of Musa Dagh" (Its author, Franz Werfel, was "The person who was most shocked"?) was written with such impact, the book made an indelible stamp on this man's closed mind... to an extent where Mr. Sarid could not consider any other possibility.

Notice Yossi Sarid appears to have no idea about the leviathan ethnic cleansing perpetrated against the Turks, when he considers adding others' suffering to his new genocide curriculum. Interesting that "mass killings of Arabs" will also be added.... hmmmm. I wonder who among these killers of Arabs will turn out to be.

As for Ha'aretz, it's sad enough for a Jewish individual to be ignorant (especially when that individual happens to be... A MINISTER OF EDUCATION!), but when Israel's most influential newspaper editorializes in such a manner, a special blow is delivered to reducing the significance of the Holocaust... by comparing it to a genocide that never took place. Perhaps Ha'aretz should subscribe to "The Jewish Times"? Appearing in that much more open-minded and better informed newspaper, on June 21, 1990:

"An appropriate analogy with the Jewish Holocaust might be the systematic extermination of the entire Muslim population of the independent republic of Armenia which consisted of at least 30-40 percent of the population of that republic. The memoirs of an Armenian army officer who participated in and eye-witnessed these atrocities was published in the U.S. in 1926 with the title 'Men Are Like That.' Other references abound."

(A more current news item from May of 2003 described Mr. Sarid as a "liberal lawmaker," so he may no longer be in charge of educating Israeli children... which bodes much better for the nation's future.)

(Holdwater: There are sometimes Turks who can be unethical, too; this makes me furious, because there is no need to falsify anything. Quotes mistakenly presented as accurate on this page that have been verified as untrue will be featured here. My apologies to those who have taken these at face value, as I used to, before learning better and "revising" my views.)

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“In history it happened to the Muslims in Russian Armenia and Eastern Anatolia 2.5 million Muslims were killed by the Armenians in the worst possible way imaginable. It is sickening to think that the human race is capable of such actions, but there is no denying the fact that the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslims happened. The Armenian General Dro, the’ butcher’ was the architect of this Armenian genocide of Muslims, 1914-1920.”

Arthur Derounian (as "John Roy Carlson"), Armenian Affairs magazine – Winter issue, 1949-50, page 19, footnote. (Derounian's first name was "Avedis," and "Arthur" is the name he usually used; the author's "Under Cover" was a best seller in 1944.)

Holdwater discovered this Derounian quote was a fabrication after it appeared on his "quotes" page.
(Holdwater writes : There are sometimes Turks who can be unethical, too; this makes me furious, because there is no need to falsify anything. Quotes mistakenly presented as accurate on this page that have been verified as untrue will be featured here. My apologies to those who have taken these at face value, as I used to, before learning better and "revising" my views.)

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"The reason of the contradiction between Turks and Armenians is the continuous cruelty by Armenian nationalists in return for Turkish and Azeri nations' humanism, care and patriotism."

Leon Z. Surmelian, Armenian-American writer, in his book, "I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen," with an introduction by William Saroyan; New York, E.P. Dutton & co., 1945 [Until further confirmation, my best guess is that the above quote is false.]

Holdwater discovered this Surmelianquote was a fabrication after it appeared on his "quotes" page.
(Holdwater writes : There are sometimes Turks who can be unethical, too; this makes me furious, because there is no need to falsify anything. Quotes mistakenly presented as accurate on this page that have been verified as untrue will be featured here. My apologies to those who have taken these at face value, as I used to, before learning better and "revising" my views.)

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"We have never denied the Armenian crime of genocide inflicted upon 2.5 million Muslim people between 1914 and 1920."

Agop Zahoryan, 'Voices of Agonies', London; Reprint 1954, p. 91.

Holdwater discovered this Zahoryan quote was a fabrication after it appeared on his "quotes" page.
(Holdwater writes : There are sometimes Turks who can be unethical, too; this makes me furious, because there is no need to falsify anything. Quotes mistakenly presented as accurate on this page that have been verified as untrue will be featured here. My apologies to those who have taken these at face value, as I used to, before learning better and "revising" my views.)

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"The turk is so absolutely without a moral sense, so unutterably bestial in his consideration of woman, so unthinkably vile and filthy in his personal habits, and so hopelessly degraded in his relations with his fellow man that the depth of his infamy is past all human credence. The turk is not a human being. I do not call him a beast, because not one of God's dumb creatures could sink so low. The turk is a devil without a tail. And the educated, polished turk — the official who affects a knowledge of the French language and a veneering of Parisian manners — is the most unspeakable fiend of all. In proof that this assertion is based on incontestable truth I challenge denial from any unprejudiced man who has known the turk thoroughly well for a quarter of a century."

William W. Howard, 1896, from an Armenian Web Site

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“One should be blind to history not to understand the Turks.

The dignified silence of the Turks against the mounting unjustified attacks and mean slanders can only be explained by their pity for the blind.

…How beautifully this attitude of theirs answers the undignified calumnies.”

Pierre Loti, French writer and traveller, “Fantome d’Orient” (1928)

(Loti added: "The Turk is the noblest of the nobles. This high nobility is not artificial or showy-- it is the gift of nature. The only people that can create simplicity out of magnificence, eloquence from silence, a sensitive vitality from a graceful calmness...are the Turks. The Orient is the land of dreams and legends. The Turk is the eye, the tongue, the light and the truth of that magic land.")

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See also